Scene 7 - Under the Spanish Heat

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(A few weeks had now past since Mason let Declan watch him fuck Harry, and the couple's bond was stronger than ever. Both men got time away from their club duties for a little holiday together, in the beautiful Catalonian city of Barcelona. Whilst they were there, the pair both regularly meet up and fuck with Frenkie de Jong, who lives in the city for his club duties. But it was an actual Spaniard this time, by the name of Kepa Arrizabalaga, who caught Mason's eye. His Chelsea teammate had always been a target for Mason's sex appeal, but when Kepa made the offer, Mason had to strike)

D – Let me guess? Frenkie, again??

M – Nope (with a wide grin on his face) Kepa.

D – Kepa? As in Chelsea goalkeeper Kepa? As in your teammate Kepa?

M – Yes, yes, and yes again.

D – You horny boy. I'm just glad it wasn't Frenkie, cos he invited me over to fuck in the Spanish heat.

M – (Kissing his husband before leaving) Leave room for me when I get back, after I fuck with some Spanish heat.

D – Always baby boy.

(Mason leaves the room, and drives to Kepa's apartment, in the centre of the city. When he arrives, Kepa buzzes him in, and Mason heads straight up. Kepa has already opened the door, and as soon as Mason walks in, he turns and says...)

K – Shoes. Off. Next to the door.

(Mason does as he asks. He can see that, with an apartment as clean as this one, shoes were definitely not allowed, anywhere.)

M – So, thanks for the invite, I really appreciate it. (Tripping over his Spanish) Me gusta... tu... cuerpo.

K – (Laughing) I like my body too.

M – (Turning red) Ermm... I mean...

(Kepa walks over to Mason and plants a kiss on his sweet lips.)

K – You know why I invited you. Now, stop pretending, and let's fuck.

(Without a single word more, Mason grabs Kepa up, and cradles him in his arms. The pair begin to make out, with Kepa wrapping his arms and legs around Mason's god-like body. Mason pulls his Spanish colleague's top off, and throws it on the floor, revealing a tanned, sandstone smooth body. After a few minutes, Mason has flung almost every piece of clothing he and Kepa were wearing on the floor, and was on top of his teammate on the sofa, ready to slide in.)

M – You ready to handle this 10.8 -inch, prime slab of British meat, with a complementary side of round heavy balls?

K – Well when you say it like that...

(Kepa grabs Mason's arse and forces him to thrust into his tight hole. The moans both men release could probably be heard back home in London. A few slow thrusts in, and Mason begins to plough into his goalkeeper a little harder, kissing Kepa's neck as if it was the only thing he could do. The thrusting made the sofa move back and forth a little, but both men didn't care.)

K – Pull out a minute, babe.

M – (Doing so) Is everything ok?

K – Yeah, I just wanna ride you.

M – Please don't say it.

K - I wanna mount Mount.

M – You said it.

(With that, Mason flips onto his back, and Kepa climbs over him. He lines up Mas' massive member and lowers himself down. Mason hasn't been ridden in so long, so a wave of excitement washes over him. He pushes Kepa down on his cock, making the Spanish 'keeper moan in pain and pleasure.)

K – Fuck, hombre, you are so good at this. Declan is definitely one lucking boy.

M – You know about the others.

K – Ok. Declan, Phil, Harry, Frenkie, that reporter and Billy are all lucky guys.

M – Good boy. Now shut up and bounce.

(The pair moan and fuck for the next 35 minutes, before Mason realises he is gonna cum soon. The thrusts in and out of Kepa's awesome, juicy butt made him close to the edge quicker than normal. He flips Kepa over onto his back and starts pounding hard and deep. The Spaniard can barely keep up; he isn't used to this kind of sexual intensity. Slowly but surely, Mason gets close to the edge. His phone rings, and he answers, without stopping.)

M – (Over the phone) Hey, babe. Yeah... I'm just finishing up with Kepa now... About 10 minutes... Sure, you have the location right. (He starts to cum right now) Ahhh, yeah... That's it Kepa... Huh, Declan?... Yes I'm still fucking him... Hehe, I knew you would... I'll see you soon, love you.

(Rope after rope of cum released from Mason's magnificent beast, into Kepa's tight ass. The orgasm lasted another 5 minutes, with Mason quickly pulling out, in order to make sure Kepa stayed pregnant. He slaps his cock on Kepa's face, and demands he cleans it. But then, as if almost of cue, Declan walks in. Kepa had already had his turn on Declan and had given him a set of keys. Declan looked over at the sofa, walked over, took Mason's member, and began sucking it clean. Mason was in heaven all over again, as Kepa giggled and rubbed Mason's abs. All three men were enjoying it, and a couple of minutes later, Declan scooped up the last bit of cum and fed it to Kepa.)

K – Woah, that was like, the best thing I've ever experienced!

M – Better than winning the Champions League?

K – The football competition, or the list of the guys who got to fuck the incredible, handsome, beautiful god that is Mason Mount?

M – The latter, obviously.

M – Right you, let's go. I'm starving.

D – Bye Kepa. Thanks for warming his cock up for me.

K – Anytime, sexy. And thanks for cleaning it for me, I don't think I would be able to survive if that entered my throat.

(Kepa decides to give both guys a kiss before they head down the stairs. Mason kisses Declan's cheek, as they get into the car. This was turning out to be a much better holiday than they planned. And more surprises, both good and bad, lay ahead for the pair on their return home to London, and their upcoming international squad selections. It would be unforeseen, but it would have benefits for both men, in lots of ways.)


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