Scene 19 - The Season's Fastest Boners

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(Sometimes, as he lies in bed at night next to Declan, Mason dreams about some of the many hookups he has had in the past. Tonight, was one of those nights. Mason is remembering what happened when he travelled to Monaco to watch the F1 GP there back in May. Following Saturday's qualifying session, he bumped into a guy in the paddock, unintentionally.)

M - Oh, sorry man, I didn't see you there.

C - It's ok. These things happen.

M - Wait... Charles?

C - Oh, hey Mase. How's it going?

(Mason had travelled to a few GPs in the past and had met up with Charles. But nothing sexual had ever happened between them, although both men had quietly acknowledged that there were some feelings brewing under the surface.)

M - Good work out on the track there. Must be a great feeling.

C - Pole position whilst at home? It's the best feeling ever!

(Both men laugh and joke around for a while, before Charles makes an offer)

C - Do you want to come back to my apartment and chill out for a bit?

M - I'd love to! Lead the way.

(Charles and Mason head towards Charles' house, and Mason is surprised just how close it is to the paddock)

M - I know Monaco is very small, but not small enough that an F1 driver can just roll out of bed and walk straight to work.

C - It does have its perks to be fair. And trust me when I say this, the only small thing in Monaco, is Monaco itself.

M - I might need to make sure that is true.

(Charles stops dead in his tracks as Mason says this. Mason is puzzled and walks over to his Monegasque friend. He places a hand on Charles' shoulder, before the driver turns around and kisses Mason. They kiss for a few seconds, before Charles pulls back)

C - OMG, I'm so sorry. You're married, and probably don't even want to do this. Oh, help me.

M - Shut up you fool and get back over here.

C - I don't want to sleep with you though Mase. You have Declan.

M - But you do want to do something sexual with me, don't you?

C - Yes.

M - How does a mutual wank sound then?

C - Really?

M - Absolutely (He says as he takes his shirt off.)

C - Well, we're doing it in my bedroom, cos Arthur has a tendency to just show up. Especially when I have a guy over.

M - I'm guessing none of them have husbands?

C - Touché. Touché

(Mason chuckles, before Charles takes his hand and leads him towards his bedroom. They walk in, and Charles locks the door. Mason stares in awe of the view that Charles has from his bedroom.)

M - The men you've fucked? Do they come here for you, or for the view??

C - The view. Me. Both. Neither. Each guy is very different.

(Mason starts to kiss Charles, as the pair slowly lower themselves onto the bed. Charles pulls Mason up towards the bed, before pressing a button on a remote to close the blinds)

M - Nooo, not the view!

C - People who know this is my house know that when the blinds are closed. Do. Not. Disturb.

M - I see, that makes sense.

(The men continue kissing and stripping, until both of them are fully naked. Mason is already hard, bit Charles isn't surprised by the site of Mase's monster, as he is subscribed to his OnlyFans. He wraps his hand around Mason's cock, and begins to stroke it. At first, it takes some effort, but both men get used to it over time. In this time, Charles gets hard too, and Mason starts stroking the Monegasque's 8-inch cock. Both men are in ecstasy, as Mason rests his head against Charles', who starts giggling at this.)

C - Even though you haven't fucked me, this feels amazing. Your hand is so soft, and feels so perfect.

M - Well, I have had several years of practice. Any time Declan eats too much, and I can't fuck him for obvious reasons, the hands come out to play.

(Charles laughs at Mason's silliness, which makes him tighten his grip. Mason exhales as his friend does this, turning him on more. He starts stroking Charles' cock quicker, which makes the F1 driver explode over his tonned body, and some of his cum even hits him and Mason in the face.)

C - Even when cumming, I'm first.

M - Not the best way I'd describe your season so far.

(Charles wasn't too pleased by this, so he tightened his grip even more. He tighten strokes Mason's cock up and down, so the Brit pants and moans heavily. After 5 minutes, he begins cumming, practically drowning him and Charles in his seed. After another 5 minutes, the orgasm subsides, and the pair collapse in a hot, sweaty heap.)

C - When I said pole position at home was the best feeling, I lied. This is the best feeling

M - Well, I am glad to hear that.

(Charles kisses Mason's cheek, causing the footballer to giggle once more. He closes his eyes, but as he opens them again, it's the following morning, and Declan is kissing him, as a good morning sign. Mason kisses his husband back, with the happy memories of his trip to Monaco firmly in his head)


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