Scene 6 - Under Captain's Orders

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(It had been almost a week and a half since Declan had recorded Mason's threesome with Frenkie and the reporter, and the international break had rolled around again, so they were all at St. George's Park once more. Yet, Mason hadn't said anything yet, which puzzled Declan. Wouldn't his husband have said something by now? Or did Mason genuinely believe him when he said he didn't know who filmed it? One thing was for certain. Mason was about to teach Declan a lesson; always ask his permission before filming. As Mason and Declan arrived at the hotel, Jack Grealish, Harry Kane, and Phil Foden were already downstairs waiting for the others.)

M – Ciao bitches. You guys ok?

H – Yeah, we're all good. How about you two?

D – (Bringing in both his and Mason's suitcases) Oh yeah, we're fine. Especially when you get loads of help. (Playfully punches Mason, whilst everyone laughs)

M – (Giggling) You said you were fine.

(Declan laughs too, as Mason sits down)

J – (Checking his phones) Here, Phil, our room is ready. Oh, and so is Mas' and Declan's.

M – Thanks for letting us know.

J – (Standing up) No problem.

P – We'll see you later, ok boys?

(The other three all nod in agreement)

M – Babe, can you take the cases up to our room, please?

D – Ermm, who do you thin...

M – (Sternly) Please!

D – Yep, will do.

(As Declan leaves, Mason turns to the skipper, and leans closer to him. As Declan turns back, he wonders what they are talking about? "It'll be nothing, he thinks to himself. Except it was something. And he would find out what very soon.)

M – So, you remember the plan?

H – Yeah, so you'll get Declan...

(As Harry recites the plan to Mason, a few more team members walk past. If they were gonna do this, they better do it soon, before they all get caught. After Harry finishes his recital, Mason laughs, kisses him on the cheek, and heads upstairs. When he enters the room, Declan has placed the cases under the bed, and is watching some videos on his phone.)

M – Oi, lazy arse, move over.

(Declan shifts across the bed. Mason comes over and hugs him tight. The couple lay there for a few minutes before Mason jumps up.)

D – What is it?

M – I think I left Jack's present downstairs. Can you go and get it?

D – Sure. Whereabouts did you see it last?

M – (Pulling out his phone to text Harry) I think it was where we were sitting.

D – Ok, I'll go check.

M – Ok. Don't be too long, I have a surprise.

D – Ohh, I like surprises.

(As Declan leaves the room, Mason sends the message. A few seconds later, Harry enters the room. Almost instantly, as if they were already in a relationship, the men are already all over each other. Pretty soon, both men are topless, with Mason's hands running down Harry's body, and grabbing onto his ever hardening 9.2-inch cock. As both men continue kissing passionately, Declan returns to the room.)

D – Hey babe, I think you put it in your... What the fuck, Mas!

M + H – Surprise!!

(Declan, clearly angry that Mason is fucking someone else again in such a short space of time, charges towards both men. Mason stops him, slaps him, and puts him on a chair. He then ties his arms and legs down, before sitting in front of him)

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