Scene 20 - Marital Makeup

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(Mason and Declan were having some problems. They hadn't done anything remotely sexual in about a month and a half. This had really upset Declan, who jad missed the passion he and his husband had. They had an argument, and neither man was talking to the other. Declan had decided to phone Jack Grealish to talk about it.)

J - Have to tried to talk to him and sort it out?

D - Of course I have. He just walks away everytime.

J - What did you say to him?

D - Nothing...

J - Declan...

D - Fine. I said he likes sleeping with other people more than me.

J - I find that hard to believe. He really loves you

D - We haven't done it since before Christmas though.

J - So, stop talking to me, apologise, and go get fucked by your husband.

D - Thanks Jack. I think I needed that help.

J - Anytime man!

(Declan ended the call, before heading it the living room. Mason was sat on the sofa, wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. He was playing videogames, and hadn't noticed Declan entering the room. Declan jumped over the sofa, and sat next to Masom, placing his head on his shoulder.)

M - Is this your way of telling me you're sorry for what you said? (He says, not taking his eyes off of the screen)

D - Yes. You know I didn't mean what I said.

M - You probably did, in that moment.

(Declan snuggles up to Mason, and softly sighs)

D - I'm sorry babe. I did, back then. But now, I don't... I don't wanna lose you.

(Mason stops playing his games, places the contoller down, leans back in his seat, and helps Declan rest in his lap. Mason looks down at Declan's head, conveniently placed just above his cock. Their eyes locked, their thoughts running wild. Mason runs his fungers through Declan's hair; their way of saying to each other everything is ok.)

M - I'm sorry for treating you like my husband, and fucking more guys instead of you.

D - You need more than me, I understand it babe.

M - I heard you talking to Jack

D - Oh...

M - How about we go upstairs, and I give you a late Christmas present?

D - Like you should have done on Christmas morning? You one you give me every year??

M - Yep, and yep.

D - Let's go then!

(Both men jump up, and run upstairs towards their bathroom. Mason's annual present for Declan is a hot, steamy shower sex session, but with a twist. Declan is the top. This would only happen on special occasions, and Maosn thinks this is special enough of an occaison to warrant being a bottom. The husbands enter the bathroom backwards, kissing each other and giggling inbetween thier loving kisses.)

D - You know, this will be the first time I've fucked you since that time when Phil filmed it.

M - I hope it's as passionate as then.

D - We both know it will be.

(Both help the other to strip down; Mason having to help more as Declan is wearing more then him, as usual. When they were both naked, and fully hard, they hopped into the shower. Declan turned the water on, and instantly started kissing Mason's neck. Mason moans, and runs his hands down Declan's now wet chest, towards his husband's meat.)

D - Start stroking me, like a good boy, and keep going.

(Mason does as Declan asks, remembering the times when they first met. Mason wasn't as big of a top back then, so he allowed Declan to show off his dominant side. It's nice to remember those days, before he took control over Declan.)

D - Mason! Are you listening?

M - I'm remembering what you used to be like, when we first started fucking.

(The pair look each other in the eyes, the water running down over their faces. Both have flashbacks to their very first times fucking in the showers; back at Chelsea's training ground at the age of 16.)



M - That's it Declan. That's the spot. Fuck yes!

(Declan was fucking Mason hard, every single one of his 7 inches pounding in and out of his boyfriend.)

D - Take it all, like the good boy you are. I feel like these days won't last forever.

M - How do you mean?

D - Your cock keeps getting bigger and bigger. I feel like you're gonna have a monster cock soon enough babe.

M - And then the roles can reverse, and the fun can begin.

D - Cheeky! (Pushing harder as Mason says this)

M - You know I love getting fucked by you, but I need to spread my seed sometimes too. Like... now

(Mason cums all over Declan's chest, as Declan was carrying his boyfriend in his arms...)


(...and in the present day, after 30 minutes of fucking, Mason had cum over his husband's chest, just like he did all those years ago. This spurred Declan on, who made sure to kiss Mason as he unloaded inside him; his seed flooding Mason's hole for the first time in 2023.)

D - Do you accept my apology, Mason?

M - Of course I do, Declan.

D - Thank fuck!

(Both men laugh, before Mason suggests something slightly radical)

M - Can I ask you something babe? (Getting back to his feet, out of Declan's arms)

D - Sure. What is it?

M - Would you be open to... (going down on one knee) ...renewing our wedding vows?

D - Mason, I do know what to say...

M - A yes would be nice (chuckling nervously)

D - Of course I will you silly git.

(Mason attempts to stand up, but Declan doesn't let him.)

D - You need to apologise for your behaviour now (pointing at his still hard cock, now covered in cum)

(Mason takes Declan's cock in his hand, and strokes it a little, before licking it and cleaning it up. He spedns a few minutes doing this, his eyes not leaving Declan's gaze at all. Declan then releases inside Mason's mouth, just like he usually did during their showers, in private or public. Finally, Mason is allowed back to his feet, and, after swallowing the last drops of Declan's seed, he kisses his husband deep and passionately, before grabbing a teoel and drying himself)


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