2. Bad dreams, good times?

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I was humming a song while I was walking down a long forest road.
The sun was shining and the winds was gently playing with the leaves, today was a great day for traveling.
I stopped at a gas station to buy some food and water.
Placing my backpack next to the pick-nick table at the resting point I sat down to eat and enjoy the view.
While I was eating I watched the people come and go as they filled up their car's and got on their ways.
I liked this, it was carefree and I had the freedom to go where ever I wanted.
My last vacation was two years ago and I had worked hard for this one.
First time I went backpacking, I was 17 and went to Australia for a month.
I was lucky then, my parents paid for it.

The second backpacking trip was Taiwan for two months, I was 18 then, this was the year that my grandfather unfortunately passed away.
I had gotten some money from his inheritance.
My grandfather and I where very close and he knew I loved to travel, so that trip was a tribute to him.
But for this trip I wanted to stay away for a year, it was kind of a self discovery trip.
To see what I wanted to get out of life, so I worked hard for two years so I had the money give myself a year off from everything.
So far it had been liberating.

"Hi there."

I looked up at the cute looking guy who was standing in front of me.
He was holding a sandwich but for some reason I couldn't see his face and his voice was scrambled a bit.
It didn't bother me though, it felt natural somehow.

"Mind if I join you?"

"Sure why not. Eating is more fun together right?"

I smiled while he took the seat in front of me.

"It really is, so where are you heading? I take it you're backpacking judging by the big bag standing next to you? Amazing that such a tiny girl can lift that. You almost fit in yourself."

He chuckled while opening his can of cola, I laughed with him.

"Well to be honest I do fit in, I couldn't resist trying it one time."

He smirked and took a sip from his drink while he watched me amused.
I couldn't help but admire his good looks as the wind blew in his hair and the sun kissed his lightly sun tanned skin.

"Would you happen to know how far it is to the next town? I was kinda hoping I could sleep in a motel tonight. The tent I have is fine and all but sometimes you just crave for a real bed and a long shower you know."

"By car it's not so far, but if you're going to walk with that heavy bag it might take you some time. Just a second, I'll show you on google maps."

He checked his phone and showed it to me.
Ai... that sucks.
That would take me at least three to four hours depending on the road conditions and whether or not I lost my way again.

"If you like I could give you a ride, I'm heading in that direction anyway. I don't mind making a little detour."

"Really? That's great, thank you."

He didn't respond but just smiled and ate his sandwich.
When we both had finished our meals he picked up my bag and walked me to his car.

"Still amazes me you carried that bag all this time, the stamina you must have. It's really heavy."

He spoke while he placed the bag in the back of the car and opened the passenger door for me.

"Hehe I'm stronger than I look."

I mocked a bit mischievously as I hopped in the car.
The car ride with him was fun, we talked about a lot of stuff.

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