3. Alone

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I was setting up the table for breakfast while Kevin was boiling some eggs and baking some croissants in the oven when his phone rang.
Kevin picked up and pointed at the eggs and oven signaling me to take that over while he walked to the other room talking on the phone.
He had already set the timers so all I had to do was wait for them to finish.

When Kevin came back I was already sitting at the table, just waiting for him.
I knew better than to start without him.

"Baby, I'm sorry. After breakfast I have to leave for a bit."

"Ow... how long will you be gone?"

"A few hours, I should be back around dinnertime. I'll bring take out and something sweet to make it up to you."

Okay... nice to know I could let my guard down for a few hours but what will he do with me?
So far he had always locked me up in the bedroom if he went out for shopping.
That I could handle because it wouldn't be more than an hour.
A whole day alone in the bedroom with nothing to do feels like a punishment in more ways then one.

"You don't like it baby? You look a bit upset."

He asked while he poured in the tea for us.

"Uhm, do I have to stay in the bedroom that whole time?"

"You know the rules, I have to be sure you are safe when I'm not around."

A bit distraught I started to eat the sandwich he gave me.
A whole day locked up with nothing to do...
How I wished I was still free, I missed being outside, the open spaces.
Walking with my backpack in the sun, heck by now I would even settle for rain.
Just being able to go outside would be fine.
I was getting more and more claustrophobic thanks to Kevin.

I didn't say anything for the rest of the meal and neither did Kevin.
He was with his thoughts elsewhere.
After breakfast he brought me to the bedroom.

"Stay here."

He turned around and walked back to the kitchen.
I stayed seated on the bed and looked at the ground.
A whole day alone, within these four walls... the thought alone is enough to scare me.
Without realizing it the first tear had dropped on my hand.

"Baby what's wrong?"

Kevin had walked back in with a big bottle of water, a glass and a lunchbox.
He placed them on the nightstand a sat beside me on the bed.

"I... I... I'm scared."

"Don't be, you wont starve. I have food and water for you here and I'm back before you know it. You're not being punished, I just have to make sure you will stay safe until I get back. If I could take you with me I would. I don't like being away from you for so long."

He kissed the side of my head.

"I love you so much, I'll do everything I can to get back to you as fast as I can. Now be good girl, stay here. Don't cause any trouble okay?"

He walked out of the room and closed the door, the moment I heard the lock click I started to hyperventilate.
Flash backs from the moment I woke up in this room resurfaced.


It was dark when I woke up, my head felt weird and heavy.
Like it was filled with cotton balls but only cotton balls that had the same weight as bowling balls.
I tried to open my eyes but felt my eyelashes slide against something in front of my eyes.
I wanted to lift my hand to feel what was on my face but I couldn't move it.
Both my arms were stuck, when I moved them I could hear the sounds of metal chains moving.
It started to dawn on me what had happened and I froze up.
That guy that gave me the ride, he drugged me...
Where was I, was he still here?
Was he alone?
What was he planning to do with me?
A bit panicked I started to move more erratic in a desperate attempt to break free but that had no use.
The chains were too strong, but I did found out only my arms were chained down.
I refrained from calling for help, seeing as I was chained up and blindfolded there was probably nobody that would help me anyway.
What was going to happen to me?
My phone had died yesterday, I had planed to charge it at a motel.
I had told my parents I would call next week again so nobody's going to miss me for some time.
How could I have been so stupid?
Just because he was good looking and easy to talk too...
I never should have gotten in his car.
It felt like I was laying here for hours when I heard a door opening.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now