20. Kevin's sick

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"Are you okay?"

I asked when Kevin was coughing again.
This time it seemed like it wouldn't stop.

"I'll be fine in the morning. Let's just go to bed early."

His voice started to sound hoarse and he didn't look very lively.
Kevin got up and grabbed Iris her leash to pull her with us.
Despite the way he treats her he did improve her sleeping conditions.
There was a soft mattress in her cage now as well as a warm blanket and pillow.

Iris was different after her long time in the time out room.
She had kept her provoking way of talking but she did what Kevin told her without question or defiance.

Kevin seemed to be a bit more lenient towards her, it was as if he was amused by the way she acted now.
Well... he did say he didn't want to break her completely.

At the bedroom Kevin went straight to bed after locking Iris up again.
He didn't even demand his goodnight kiss, both relieved and disappointed about the absence of this little routine I had gotten used to, I stared at the ceiling.
It took me some time to fall asleep because of Kevin's coughing, but after a while I did.

Somewhere early in the morning I woke up feeling hot, sweaty and sticky.
There was something burning hot almost glued against me and it took me a few seconds to realize it was Kevin.
His arm was around me and he was shivering in his sleep.
He's really sick and must have a fever right now.

Feeling uncomfortable, thanks to his unnatural high body heat, I wiggled out of his grasp and sat on my knees near the pillow.
If he's sick there is probably little he can do about that.
I doubt he has the energy to get mad at me right now.

Looking at him like that I did feel sorry for him.
The sweat was standing on his forehead and his breathing sounded raspy due to his prolonged coughing.

"The bastard's sick isn't he?"

Iris sudden question had me startled.
I looked towards her cage and saw her sit up with the blanked wrapped around her.

"I think so, he's having a fever for as far as I can tell."

Iris started to laugh and lied down again.

"Serves him right. Sucks to be you right now. Kevin's like a big baby when he's sick."

I looked at Kevin and gently ran my fingers through his hair, guiding them out of his sweat run face.
So far I have only seen his strong confident side.
It would be interesting to see how he is when he's weak.

I got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom for a washcloth.
If I have to stay in bed with him I'm going to remove all that sweat of his.
I don't like that sticky feeling.

Back in bed with the cold washcloth I nudged Kevin.

"Kevin wake up, you're burning up. Where's the medicine? You need acetaminophen or something like that."

Kevin just murmured something but didn't really wake up.
Hoping the cold washcloth would wake him up a bit I started to clean up his face.
Kevin uncomfortable expression did lighten up a bit from it but he kept on sleeping.
I pulled the blanket off him a bit so I could do his neck and chest next, hoping the fever would go down a bit.
Since the blanket was a bit damp, I took another one from the closet and tucked him back in.
Tired, I lay down next to him again.

Around 7 am I had enough, sleep wasn't going to come to me anymore and Kevin was still out cold, not responding to anything.
I decided to take the risk and go clean myself up, with him still sick in bed I doubt he will punish me for it.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now