9. Audience

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When I got in the bedroom I saw a cage in the corner of the room.
It looked to be the same one Kevin had locked me up in multiple times in the time out room.
Why was that thing in the bedroom?

The noises in the hall made me turn around to check what was going on.
Kevin had dragged Iris into the bathroom again and was preparing a toothbrush for her.
He had her sitting on the closed toilet seat, still bound in that suit.
She had no choice but to sit still unless she wanted to fall on the ground.

"Didn't I tell you to wait in the bedroom?" Kevin glared back at me through the bathroom mirror, well technically I was still in the bedroom but I got his point.

I waited on the bed listening to Iris curse at Kevin while he was brushing her teeth and help her on the toilet again.
Soon the cursing stopped and when he got in the bedroom I saw why, he had gagged her again.
She was out of the leather contraption and wearing one of his boxers as well as a shirt of his.
Her arms were bound to her back with handcuffs.
She struggled to break free as he pulled her to the cage but that proved to be useless.
Kevin pushed her in and locked the door.
This cage had a fingerprint lock, so only he could open it.

From within the cage she glared at me, most likely she was angry I didn't do anything.

"You can glare at my baby all you want, she knows better then to fight me."

Kevin mocked before turning back to me, "As for you. Don't think I didn't notice you getting off the couch. Seems you haven't learned your lesson yet today."

Like a deer caught in the headlights I stared at Kevin, I had been so sure he was asleep.
I kept my eyes on him while he opened his bedroom drawer and got the chains out.

"Let's make sure you stay put tonight."

"Please Kevin, I promise I'll stay where you want me to be. Please, just don't chain me up."

I crawled back to the headboard, I wasn't going to run from him.
That would be stupid, I had no place to hide in this house.

"Give me your arms."

His extended hand and the stern look in his eyes gave me no choice.
Reluctantly I offered my wrists and in a matter of minutes I was chained to the bed with my arms and legs.
He did gave me enough room to move from my back to my side but that was it, sitting up wasn't really an option.

Kevin yawned again while he got in bed with me, it got me hopeful he just wanted to go to sleep after this but instead I caught him staring at me.

"W-what?" I nervously asked while I looked back at him.

"I just love it, how you lay there next to me." He moved closer and grabbed the shirt I was going to sleep in.

Slowly he pulled it up above my breasts.
My breathing started to accelerate, my thoughts were with Iris who was also in the room.
He's not going to... not with her in the room right?...

"K-Kevin?" The panic was dripping from this one word and question at the same time.

He leaned forward and started to suck on my breast, the chains weren't long enough for me to grab his hair and try to pull him off.
He was still leaning on one arm, but his free hand moved down between my legs.

"K-Kevin! Mmm, St-stop pleease!" I moaned, both embarrassed and scared.

It's one thing having a stranger on the other side of the phone, but now there is someone in the same room.
I really tried to break free from the chains and struggled to get my breast out of his mouth and deny his hand access to my lower parts.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now