12. Kevin's way of making up. Part 1

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In the hours Kevin had left us locked up in the bedroom Iris and I had talked a bit.
It was unbelievable for me to hear her talk about Kevin as a timid boy.
How could that strong intimidating man have ever kneeled for a woman and kissed her feet at the snap of her fingers.
He always seemed so in control...
But according to Iris he wasn't always like that.
He had a troubled childhood, despite his upbringing, where a lot was expected of him.

The BDSM play he did with Iris was an outlet for him, a mutual agreement.
Thanks to some issues in his family, were Iris admitted she didn't knew the complete story about, he had trust issues.
That leaded to him occasionally breaking the rules they had set for their play and her desire to punish him for it.
But over time Kevin's behavior became more unpredictable outside of their plays, and she felt the need to control him more because she thought he was more happy and stable that way.
Iris had known him for a very long time and it sounded like they had a complicated relationship.

It made me understand why Iris made the mistake of thinking Kevin wasn't serious when he said he was over her.
And seeing as he didn't kill her like he said he would, but started training her to be his toy, she might have had a point.
Problem was, she wasn't planning on submitting to him.
She was using our "free" time to hear me out about the locks and keys and security measurements Kevin had taken to keep me locked up in the house. 
I didn't really see the point, as long as the front door was locked escape was impossible in my eyes.
And I was sure that after Iris her little break in Kevin had taken counter measurements for that. 

By now most of the day had passed.
The food and water Kevin had left were all gone and both Iris and I were bored.

The cage she was in was big enough to sit, just not stand so it was hard for her to get comfortable and stretch herself.
I was chained to the bed with one wrist, but thanks to my seemingly broken fingers I wasn't comfortable either.

Then we heard noises in the house, Kevin was back.

When he got in the bedroom he went straight to Iris and pulled her out the cage.
All the bravery she had just a minute ago disappeared like snow before the sun and she was visibly shaking.
He looked at the marks on her arms and made her sit on a chair.

"Take your shirt off."

He ordered while looking for something in the drawer.
Iris did what he said but held the shirt against her chest to cover herself.
Kevin pulled a pot of lotion out of the drawer and started to smear the cream over her back.
The sudden motion, with no warning before hand, made her cringe for a second. 

"You can do the rest yourself, those marks should be gone by tomorrow."

While Iris was applying the cream on her skin, Kevin cleaned up the buckets and empty plates.
He still ignored me and that made me very nervous, I didn't like this.
An angry Kevin is a scary Kevin and can only lead to me getting hurt again, so I have to try and get on this good side again.

"Kevin? I'm sorry about yesterday..."

My voice was timid and soft while I tried to look as remorseful as possible toward Kevin.
I wasn't really sorry, I just didn't like this silence.
It made very uncomfortable to the point I was almost panicking.
What if he was going to punish me some more?

"You should be." He responded quite cold. "It was rude to leave me hanging like that."

Kevin took my sore hand and checked my fingers, finally seeing the result of his rough treatment.
A pained expression formed on his face.

"Baby, why didn't you tell me about this?"

Iris snorted amused. "You can't blame that on her after you so roughly stuffed her in that crate for a day and a half."

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