13. Kevin's way of making up. Part 2

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Back home all I had to do was sit at the table while Kevin was getting everything ready.

He told me that I didn't have to do any chores as long as my finger was healing.
I didn't mind having to do them, it gave me something to do to fill the time.
The only thing I didn't like were the outfits he sometimes made wear while doing them.

With the table set and the food spread out over the table Kevin left to pick up Iris.
I stared at my finger, with no one around and not being locked up I had time to think.
While thinking back on what happened yesterday I was confused by my own thoughts.
Kevin had been so mean to me yesterday and today was the complete opposite, why does that draw me towards him so much?
Why did his words today made my heart skip a beat?
And why did it hurt so much when he ignored me yesterday?
I hadn't realized it had hurt me so much until he finally spoke again.
The relieve I felt at that moment, it wasn't something I had felt before.

I couldn't linger on the thought much longer because Kevin came back with Iris, and just like the times before he had found a way to make her depend on him.
Unlike the last time we ate together, she was able to walk on her own, but that was all she could do.
He had a different outfit for her this time, this one wasn't as intimidating as the one that made her unable to move at all, but I was still happy I wasn't in it.
The top was red leather and lucky for her covered everything.
Although... lucky... she might disagree because it was as tight as a second skin, it accentuated her curves in a good way and really hugged her body.

It did look really good on her, I had to admit that.
But seeing as she was a beautiful woman to begin with, pretty much anything she wore would look good on her.
Like the other suit this one bound her arms with straps, only this time they were strapped to her back instead of her side.
She was also wearing a short red leather skirt and high black leather boots, the red velvet blindfold completed her wardrobe for the night.
I wondered who did her hair, did she do it herself or did Kevin do it?
Whoever it was they could do mine too, I loved the way her hair was done up.

Kevin guided her by the leash on her neck, she was walking quite unsure because she couldn't see a thing.
It was nice to see that Kevin was at least considered about that, because he gave her all the time she needed to walk over here.

I looked around the table and saw there was no place for her to sit.
I had been so occupied with my own thoughts I hadn't even noticed it earlier.

Kevin sat down and made Iris sit on her knees beside his chair.
The end of the leash he hung over the knob of the chair.


Iris started with an unsure voice, moving her head around listening for any sound, trying to figure out where everyone was.

"What did you call me?"

Kevin responded harshly as he glared at her with a stern look.
I think it was a good thing she couldn't see it, he looked scary when he's like that. 

"Sorry... sir."

Iris looked up at the direction of his voice, the sarcasm was dripping from every word.
She wasn't sorry at all but more frustrated about something.

"I'm hungry, I thought you said we were going to eat when you got back... so why this outfit?"

"Ow, you'll find out soon enough, my disobedient little bitch. Now try to reflect on what you did while we eat."

Curiously I rose a brow while staring at Kevin hoping he would tell me what Iris had done, not to gloat, but to know what to avoid.
But Kevin didn't say anything and just started to fill my bowl with my favorite Chinese dishes.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now