15. Chocolate... punishment?

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Kevin was busy preparing something in the corner.
When he came back he had a bowl and a pencil in his hand.
I smelled something sweet and familiar.
It was hard to keep my head up and keep an eye on what Kevin was planning to do to me while being restrained like this.
All I could do was lift my head but that was really hard on my neck.

I found out soon enough what his plan was when the hairs of the paint brush gently caressed the skin on my belly.
The light, almost feathery feeling was ever so soft, but I jumped at the touch non the less.
It wasn't like Kevin's normal way of punishing me, he didn't hurt me this time.
The feeling was odd though, the substance that was left on my skin was lukewarm and a little sticky.

Why did it smell so familiar?
It wasn't a bad smell, it smelled really delicious actually.
I tensed my abs again and mustered the strength to lift my head up so I could see what the hell he was doing.
Surprised I looked at the remains of what the brush had left on my skin.

It was brown... and then the smell hit me.
It smelled like chocolate, was it chocolate body paint?

The brush tickled my skin again and soon I was squirming while he was decorating me with chocolate flowers.
The gag muffled my laughter as the brush ran lightly past my skin.
On occasion Kevin glanced at me with a grin on his face, fluttering the pencil longer on area's that were very ticklish.
First on and around my belly, then my breasts, the top of my upper legs.
The inner parts of my upper arms and my neck.
When he was done he removed the gag and painted on my cheeks too.

So far this wasn't so bad as a punishment, it was torture but a very funny way of torturing me.
Was he in a good mood?

"Don't you look sweet now."

Kevin smirked before he walked off to the corner again.
He came back pushing his tray cart.
It was too tiresome to hold my head up so long, so I couldn't see what he had placed on it.
Kevin stepped between my legs, what was he going to do next?
His teasing with the brush had made me curious for a change, if only he would do this every time-out.
I like being tickled a lot better than being spanked.

When I felt something cold and wet on my butt, and next some pressure, I tensed up.

"Wait, Kevin. Please, what are you doing?!"

"Relax sweetie, than it will all feel a lot less painful. You might even start to like it."

It's a finger!
I take it back!
I don't want this anymore.
Should have known he was going to do something I don't like.
Kevin was moving his finger up and down my butt.
Stuff just doesn't belong there!
I tried really hard to relax but it felt so weird and a little uncomfortable.
Then he pulled his finger out, and something cold and hard was now pushed against my no no hole.
It already felt bigger than his finger.
What is that?
What is he doing?
I don't like this, I don't want stuff in my butt.
Why can't he just continue with that brush?
At least that felt nice.

"Please don't!"

I begged as I tried to get my arms lose but failed.
My arms and shoulders started to hurt from my desperate attempts.
Thanks to the way my legs were restrained I could move them even less and had no way of closing them.
Kevin ignored my plea's and pushed the odd object inside me.
Thanks to the lube it slipped in quite easily but I yelped in shock at the short flash of pain when the object got past it's broadest point.

"T-take it out, please Kevin, take it out!"

The tears from the shock were clear in my eyes.
It felt so cold and uncomfortable, there was a constant pressure in that area and that coin shaped end on the outside make me extra aware there was something inside me where it didn't belong.
Kevin didn't say anything but moved to my side and leaned in to start licking and kissing my neck.
The feeling of his tongue gliding over my skin, it tickled and made the pain in my butt fade away, although the strange feeling stayed.
I couldn't help giggling from the ticklish feeling of his devilish tongue.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now