18. Mystery Mick

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Kevin had left me by myself in the living room again.
I had begged him if I could please stay with him but he had said no because he had a video meeting of some sort.
He had thrown my own words back at me of not wanting to be seen like this, so that ended that discussion really quick.

Even though I was still very nervous and scared because of this mysterious Mick in the house, he hadn't done anything yet.
Last night when Kevin was watching TV, with me just sitting next to him listening, I only heard him in the room once but he never said anything.
Kevin didn't even acknowledged his presence that time. 
At breakfast this morning it had just been me and Kevin.
Iris was in the time-out room since yesterday for some reason I didn't dare to ask about and Kevin said that Mick doesn't eat with us.

So it was just me in the room, and sometimes Mick.
In the past hours I heard him in the room from time to time but it was only faint and he never spoke to me.
Nor did he come anywhere near me.

I didn't get it.
What kind of guy was this Mick?
And why would Kevin let him stay here?

There was laughing coming from the TV, the commercials must be over.
Kevin had me listen to some comedian he said was funny.
Watching TV without being able to see was really annoying.
I couldn't follow the movies, cartoons are mostly odd sounds that make no sense if you don't see what's happening, so I guess a comedian was the least worse option.
The guy talking was funny at times, but I found it hard to concentrate with the looming presence of Mick.

It had been some time ago that Kevin had fed me my lunch, he did however check regularly if I was still okay.
It felt comforting to know that he did.
Thinking about it, I guess it has almost been two and half days he left me in this vulnerable state, but nothing bad had happened so far.
Even with this Mick in the house, maybe I should just trust Kevin.
I mean, it wasn't like I hated what Iris had done to me.
It was just very embarrassing and not my choice.

A strange tingle sparked between my legs when I thought back at that punishment time with Iris.
This is so fucked up... I'm getting wet just thinking about it.
Not being able to see is really getting to me, the constant anxiety of something that could happen.
The fact I can't use my arms, made that feeling so much worse.
Knowing that anyone could just grab me and do whatever they liked, not being able to fight it.
It made me feel strange, it made me want something.
I want Kevin here, I want these weird feelings to disappear.

Suddenly I heard someone breathe next to my left.
The hairs in my neck rose instantly and my heart rate spiked.
I felt the fabric of the headrest dent a bit next to me, something was slowly inching closer towards me.
Every soft little breath sounded a tiny bit closer, it started to sound like sniffing.

What the hell?! Mick is a pervert!!
Is he just going to stand there behind the couch, sniffing up my scent?!
Who does that?
What is he going to do next?
I cringed at bit at the train of thoughts that were rushing through my head.

Kevin, I need Kevin.
Where is he?


I yelled out suddenly, it seemed to have startled Mick enough to move away quickly.
A soft thud sound, almost if something dropped on the floor was all I heard when Mick moved away.
The feeling of someone next to me was gone but I still felt the full force of my panic attack.
Thankfully I heard Kevin's footsteps approach quickly.

"What wrong baby? Do you need to go the toilet or something?"

I was sniveling and hyperventilating in my panic.
Kevin, I just need Kevin.
I want his arms around me, I want to feel safe.
Just him being in the room already made the panic less.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now