19. Don't even think bad about Kevin

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The next couple of days Kevin was either busy with his work or with Iris.
I only saw her before bedtimes when Kevin locked her up in the cage again.
During the daytime she was most likely in the time out room.
She looked exhausted every time saw her but other than that she seemed fine, no bruises or whip marks.
But I really missed talking to her.

I spend my days taking care of Mick and doing the house chores Kevin gave me.
This morning wasn't very different, while he was busy I was suppose to do the dishes, vacuum the rooms except for the basement and wash the insides of the windows.
I had already done the dishes and was just done vacuuming when I figured it was time for a break.

Kevin was in his workroom doing his work, so after I put the vacuum away I walked over there.
I knocked on his door and waited for him to reply.
Instead of saying it was okay for me to come in he opened the door himself.

"What? You know I'm working right now."

He blocked my view of the room with his body at the doorstep.
I heard people talking in the background and saw the headset on his head.
He's in a video call, no wonder he's so cold and distant to me right now, that hurt a little.
But I know it would be inconvenient for him if I cause a scene by screaming for help right now. 
They would know what kind of man he is then.
The kind that kidnaps girls, forces them to do as he says and expects them to love him for it. 
Not that causing that scene would help me, I doubt anyone from his work knows where he lives.
Screaming would only get me in trouble, so I didn't and just asked the question I came for. 

"I was just wondering if I could make some tea and if you wanted some too."

"Awn, that's so sweet of you. I'll have some with cinnamon. Just knock and leave it by the door okay?"

I nodded and Kevin closed the door again.
Behind the door I could hear him talk.

"Ow nothing, just my girlfriend asking if I wanted something to drink...... yes she's a sweetheart."

Kevin's words made me smile, they may not have seen me but he introduced me as his girlfriend.
That's a big improvement from a pet or a toy.
But I shouldn't dream the impossible.
I can't forget I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his prisoner.
There is no equal relationship here even if he makes me feel there is at times.
He'll remind me of the reality of things the moment I go against his wishes.

In the kitchen Mick was sitting on the counter watching me make the tea.
While I waited for the water to cook I thought about Iris.
What was Kevin doing to her?
Every night he brought her to the bedroom she barely had the energy to walk and fell asleep within minutes.

First thing he did every morning was take her back down, so far I hadn't had a chance to talk to her.
The last time we spoke was right before Kevin brought Mick to the house.
There was still some tension between us because of what Kevin had made her do to me.
I just wanted to make sure she was okay and tell her there were no hard feeling from my side.
It's not like she had a choice at what happened to us. 
The more time past before I could have a chance to talk to her the more awkward it was going to be.
I had no idea what she had done to deserve such a long punishment, by my knowledge she didn't do anything that bad, but she does have a strong mind of her own.
The ping on the water cooker pulled me out my thoughts.

I prepared Kevin's tea and my own.
Placing Kevin's on a silver tray with some biscuits at the side.
Hopefully he won't mind me taking one too then, I could just say they belong with the tea.
If I give him my best puppy dog eyes he might let me get away with it this one time.

I brought the tea to his room and knocked.
Mick was purring around my legs while I placed the tray next to the door.

"Yes, I know. You're hungry. I'll go get you some food."

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now