22. A reluctant pet

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I was dusting the living room while Kevin was getting some work done.
It was quiet in the house except for the sounds of me moving stuff around to clean the non existing dust off.
A deep annoyed sigh from the hall caught my attention.

Iris had been staring at the front door lock for about thirty minutes now.
She was in one of the leather contraptions Kevin uses just for her.
Her arms stuck behind her back, it's the only way Kevin let's her out of her cage as he doesn't trust her.
And the only reason Iris accepts it is because it is her only option to explore the house and find a way to escape.
She's still dead set on doing that.
I however have given up a on that, too many of my attempt failed in the past and I blew the one real chance I had.
There is no way I can win a physical fight with Kevin and unlike Iris I can't pick locks, so with the situation like this I doubt I will find a way.
I walked toward the hall and peek my head around the corner.

"What's the matter?"

"If only I could use my hands..."

Iris sighed again, dropping her head as she turned around and came to the living room.
She crashed on the couch with a lot of flair, almost getting a laugh out of me because she looked like a pouting toddler.
Annoyed she stared in front of her.

"Goddamned bastard, thinks he's he so mighty and smart..."

A little frightened about her choice of words I looked at the direction of Kevin's workspace to check if he heard her and was coming this way.
Relieved I looked back at Iris when I saw he was no where in sight.

"You need to watch what you're saying. If Kevin hears you you're in trouble. You know that just as well as me."

Annoyed I lectured her because I didn't want Iris to be sent to the time-out room again.
This week she has spend a few hours there almost every day because she was still taunting Kevin.
And when she's there, getting punished by Kevin, I'm on my own.
It's boring with nobody around to talk to.
At least when Mick was here I had something to do other than clean, he was always up for cuddles and playtime.
Iris, although fun to talk to, can be very grumpy at times because her escape plans get thwarted by Kevin's need to control her limbs.
More specifically her hands, he knows about her lock-picking abilities.
Iris rolled her eyes at me and scoffed.

"You should be looking for keys if you're dusting like that. It's the perfect cover up if that asshole comes in. You can just say you were cleaning and not snooping if he suspects something."

I shook my head disagreeing with her stupid idea, like I'm going to fall for that.
Again Iris tried an ill fated attempt to wiggle her arms out the sleeves of her bounds, against her better judgement.

"He's not stupid and I don't want to get into trouble. He's mean if he punishes me."

I responded a bit harshly before I turned around to continue to clean and dust everything off.
While I thought back about the things I have had to endure before I sort of accepted my fate, I bit my lip in frustration and self pity.

"Don't be such a baby, it's just a little whipping or that stupid peddle and he done with it. He never makes it bleed."

With sad eyes I looked back a little over my shoulder.

"Maybe with you... but with me that means he's just getting started."

Iris didn't comment on that for which I was thankful.
I'd rather not talk or think about all the hours I have been bound in uncomfortable ways getting spanked and toyed with until I begged for mercy if I was even able too.
Or how he kept and still keeps pushing my boundaries further so I will accept what he want's to do with me and even start to crave for it.
Drawing blood is not the worse someone can do to you.
The feeling of total loss of control of your body and mind is so much worse.
Just thinking about what he does to me when he looks at me with those lustful eyes makes me hot inside and I'm not so sure anymore if I find that to be a problem.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now