4. Shower time

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After what seemed to be an eternity I heard noises in the other room.
Kevin must be back.
But instead of letting me out of the room he was doing something in the other room.
Did he forget about me?
Did something happen that made him angry and is he taking it out on me?
I don't want to stay locked up here.
I've been locked up in here for hours with nothing to do.
For some reason all I could think about all day was him, so I was really craving for some form of attention to my own dismay.

I don't think calling out to Kevin would do me any good, so I just sat down at the end of the bed and watched the door patiently.
At last the door opened and I saw Kevin standing there.
Relieved I wasn't confined to this one room anymore I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Wow baby, calm down. Did you miss me that much?"

Kevin got his big arms around me and picked me up.

"I know I missed you all day. All I could think of was that cute little ass of yours."

He sniffed my hair, and ran his fingers through them all the way to the tips.

"Did you take a shower without me?"

I didn't like the tone in his voice.
He sounded annoyed.
What if he's going to punish me for that?
I just got out of the bedroom, I sure as hell do not want to go into the time out room right after that.
A bit scared I asked.

"Are, are you upset with me? I was panicking when you left and it helped me calm down."

"I'm not upset. Just the thought of you touching yourself without me makes me a bit jealous... Let's eat first baby, I brought Chinese."

He carried me to the kitchen were he had already set the table.
So that was what he was doing.
He had candles burning on the table and soft music in the background.
It almost looked like a romantic dinner date except we were still just in the house and not a restaurant.
And let's be honest, I'm not here by choice.

"Like what I did? I told you I would make it up to you."

I nodded and sat down at the seat he had ready for me.
He sat down on the other side and started filling his bowl.

"What would you like baby?"

He looked at me expectantly and filled my bowl with the dishes I wanted.
The meal was calm and actually really entertaining.
Kevin told me about his day.
He had to help a friend move to another place and that friend had a dog that was making the move more difficult than it should.
The dog was running around the whole time with stuff they needed because it wanted to play, making them chase it.
It sounded really funny and I laughed while I thought about Kevin chasing that dog.
Curious to hear more I asked.

"I love animals. What kind of dog was it?"

"Who cares, just some annoying mutt that cost me my precious time with you."

His snappy remark made me flinch, so much for a friendly conversation I guess...
My eyes fell down to my bowl again and quietly I continued to eat.

"I'm sorry baby. This just took up more time than I intended. I'd rather stay home with you. I think it was a golden retriever or something. Dogs just aren't my thing."

Dinner was over and Kevin grabbed a different bag and held it out to me.

"Here, I promised you something sweet."

I took the bag and got the present out. He had gotten me my favorite chocolate.

"You like your gift?"

"Yes, thank you Kevin. I love these chocolates."


Kevin said while he took the box out of my hands.
He opened the box and gave me one, just to seal the rest away in the closet.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now