7. Moving

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It had been a few days since the phone call from Iris and everything that happened during that call.
I didn't really want to think about it, up until that moment Kevin had only been toying with me.
I could have lived with that, but now he had sex with me and I wasn't sure how I felt about that, somehow he had made it feel really good but the fact remains it was against my will.
Everything that happened here was against my will but at the same time I'm starting to long for his touch.
Thoughts of escaping are becoming less frequent in my head and are starting to be replaced by lust for him...

For some reason Kevin has been very busy the past few days and hasn't touched me since.
All he does is sleep together with me, demanding his morning and goodnight kiss but that's it.
I even started to wonder if maybe he had enough of me now he had done the deed.
What if he's planning to kill me and start over?

"Baby, go use the toilet now. You won't be able to go for awhile after this."

A bit confused I got up and walked to the toilet.
While I was sitting there I watched Kevin walk around packing stuff. What is he doing?

"Kevin? W-what are you going to do to me?"

He was making me uneasy, keeping me in the dark and his nervous glances at the door did only make my nerves go up.
Kevin looked up from the bag.

"Don't worry about it baby, you'll see. Just be patient. You'll like it when it's all done."

That sounded ominous, the way he said that...
I got up from the toilet and Kevin walked straight to me.
When I was done washing my hands he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the time out room, the sight of that door alone made me panic.

"What?! Wait! No please Kevin don't! What did I do?"

"Calm down baby, I'm not punishing you. I just have to hide you for a bit. Now be a good girl, do as I say and when it's all done I'll make you feel really good."

He pulled me inside the room and started to tie me up with the ropes.

"Please no! I'll do anything but please don't do this to me."

I kept begging him to stop while I struggled to get lose.
Why was he doing this?
I don't understand.

"Baby... I told you to calm down and be a good girl. Why are you fighting me? Now I have to turn it into a punishment for you. Mmmm... I know something fun."

The glint in his eyes did not bode well for me, but I was powerless to do something about it.
He already had my arms behind my back and grabbed a collar and leash to chain me to the wall.

"Stay there sweetie, I'll be right back."

He walked out leaving the door open and returned with more rope.
I tried really hard not to start crying because that would only make it worse for me, why more rope?
I'm already unable to run like this.

First he grabbed the ball gag and forced it in my mouth.
Then he ripped my shirt to shreds and cut the straps of my bra leaving me topless and shivering in fear.
My plan not to start crying fell apart very fast and the tears were already running over my cheeks from shear fear.

"Don't cry, this will be fun. Or at least it will be for me."

He smirked and started to wraps the rope around my chest and breasts restricting how deep I could breathe.
Then he pulled down my shorts and underwear and replaced it with a crotch-less pantie.
Next he forced me on my knees and tied my ankles to my upper legs preventing me from getting up again.

He looked back at the door and unchained the leash from the wall.
Then he picked me up and moved me so I sat by the wall right in front of the door.
There he used two ropes and two rings in the wall to force me to spread my legs, giving whoever would stand in the door opening full view of my private parts.
With the last piece of rope he connected the rope from my arms to my ankles, forcing me to sit upright.
He stood before me observing me for a moment and checking out his handy works.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now