17. The tasting game.

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The next morning I woke up alone in bed.
Still blindfolded and my hands still on my back.
Carefully I felt around with my feet but nobody was there.

"Iris, are you there?"

"Where else would I be?"

She replied annoyed, I heard her shift in the cage she was in.

"Do you know where Kevin went to?"

All I knew was that he had stuff to do but he never said what.
I felt helpless just sitting here.
Not being able to see sucked.
I wanted to go to the toilet but how was I going to find it?
Not to mention lower my underwear or even clean myself afterwards.

"He said he was going to a friend but would be back before 10. He's bringing breakfast."

That's a little early to meet a friend... must be a good friend.
I wonder if it's one of those guy's that helped him move.
The tone in Iris her voice made me turn my attention to her again.

"Are... uhm... are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

She bit back quite harshly, to mutter almost inaudible.

"Especially not with you."

But I heard non the less.
That hurt, she must be angry with me after what happened.
It wasn't my fault but there wasn't anything I could do about her feelings.
Anyway let's see how we get to the toilet like this.
If I can just get there, I can wait for Kevin to help me clean up if I don't figure out how to do that like this.
I let myself slide of the bed, luckily there are not a lot of obstacles in the bedroom.
If I can find the wall I should be able to get to the door, from there it will be a bit of a leap of faith to cross the hall.
The bathroom is right across from the bedroom.

Taking small steps and feeling around with my feet I walked forward until I found the wall.
A sigh of relieve left my mouth, so far so good.
I moved along side the wall until I found the corner, I kept going and found the door.
This was a bit tricky, I had to move my arms a bit unnatural to be able to get the door handle and pull it down.
To my surprise it opened.

"Are you sure you want to leave the room like this?"

Iris asked curiously and a bit mockingly. .

"What do you mean?"

The sudden question had me surprised.
I know I was just wearing a t-shirt of Kevin and underwear but it wasn't like I was naked.

"Kevin mentioned something about bringing someone here. He would pick him up on the way back."

At that moment the front door opened and I stood frozen in the door opening of the bedroom

"Honey I'm home."

Kevin's voice carried across the house.
His heavy footsteps were coming in this direction, he is back.

"There you are baby, did you just wake up?"

I listened for other sounds, did he bring someone else?
Is he alone or not?
His hands suddenly wrapped around my waist and pulled me against his body, snapping me out of my focus.

"G-good morning Kevin."

There were no other sounds in the house other then Iris and Kevin.
Didn't he bring his friend or is that guy just very quiet?

I felt Kevin's lips touch mine and I kissed back, feeling extra conscientious because someone might be watching.
This felt like a trap, if I call for help and there is nobody I'm in trouble.
And even if there is someone there is no guarantee he will help.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now