10. Outside walk

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In the bedroom I was staring horrified at the "clothing" that laid before me, I really wanted to disappear in a hole in the ground.

It was one of the flimsy outfits that Kevin had dared to call clothing, turning red out of shame for even touching it I picked up the supposed part for my lower halve.
This is just plain lingerie, not clothing and it's part see through as well.
It's a sexy bunny suite, complete with ears and little fluffy bunny tail.
This was the outfit I was suppose to wear outside?!
Outside! Of all places?!
Normally I wouldn't even wear this inside the house, even if there's no one around...

Mortified I started to change into them, knowing perfectly well if I didn't I would be disobeying him.
And after yesterday I really didn't want to do that.
The last thing that was prepared, was a collar with a leash.
It had a lock but there was no key, I assumed Kevin had that somewhere tucked away.

With cheeks red out of shame I walked back to Kevin, not looking directly at him and covering my breasts and front with my arms and hands.
I could hear him chuckle out of pure satisfaction.

"You look absolutely beautiful like that, my shy little baby. Now remove your hands and do a little spin for me, but slowly. Let me admire you."

Turning even redder I dropped my arms to the side and slowly turned on the spot like he wanted.

"Just amazing..." His eyes moved slowly over my body, taking in every part of it before raising his hand and beckoning me to come closer.

"Now, give me the leash and I will give you some shoes to walk in."

The nerves of going out like that almost got the better of me, until the thought occurred to me that he would probably just take me to his backyard.
He can't be crazy enough to just walk out with me, what if someone saw us?
He would risk me calling for help.
The thought of not losing my dignity helped calm me down a bit, and I gave Kevin the leash.

Surprised I looked at the shoes he gave me in return, they were genuine hiking shoes... for long walks on rough terrain.
I should remember where he keeps those in case I ever get the chance to run again.

With the shoes on I wanted to walk to the backdoor but the leash didn't budge.
A little unsure I turned towards Kevin and saw him smirk.

"A leash means you follow your master, not the other way around my cute little bunny."

A soft tug on the leash made me stagger in his direction before he turned around to walk to the front door.
He glanced at Iris who was still on the floor as he passed her by.

"You'll be fine for an hour or so right?"

She didn't answer but just glared at him while watching him exit the front door.
With the front door in view I got real self conscious, and changed my mind, I don't want to go outside anymore.
This outfit is too embarrassing, so I grabbed the leash and tried to stop Kevin from walking on.

"Wait! I thought we would go to the backyard. I can't, please not dressed like this. It's..."

Kevin didn't let me finish and gave a harsher tug at the leash, one that almost made me fall on my knees.
His angry eyes glared at my hands, still holding on to the leash, and his next harsh words made me let that leash go as if it was on fire.

"You don't need to think, you follow. You wanted to go outside, so stop complaining or I will remove your clothes all together."

I shook my head, startled at that threat and quickly followed him through the door.
Outside the weather was a lot nicer than yesterday.
It was still a bit chilly but the sun on my skin made up for some of that.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now