5. Phone calls

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I stayed very quiet on the couch while I followed Kevin's movements around the house.
Lately Kevin is being called a lot by someone and his temper is not improving thanks to it.
He has literally been looking for any excuse to punish me.
But I'm not stupid so I've been doing my absolute best not to screw up.
I have to think of a way to make him happy again or it won't be long until I'm in the time out room again.

For the fifteenth time today his phone rang.
The first few times he didn't bother to answer it, and just glared at his phone.
As if the phone could do something about it.
But the one calling isn't going to give up it seems.

"Uhm Kevin? What if it's important?"

I pointed at the phone, him glaring at the thing was making me uneasy.

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?"

Ow crap, I should have stayed quiet.
I shook my head vigorously and stared at him with big scared eyes.

"No Kevin, never... it's just that it's the fifth time your phone is ringing in 15 minutes. What if something bad happened to someone you care about?"

"You are the only one I care about. And by now I should be the only one you care about as well. Maybe I didn't train you enough yet..."

His voice was low and dark as he walked up to me with big steps.
With the way he was looking at me and the whole tension in the house I did something stupid.
Petrified, I tumbled over the backrest of the couch and ran to the hall.
I have to get out of this house but Kevin was right behind me.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

I saw the big lock was still on the door and knew there was no way out of this.
I turned around to face a very angry Kevin and kept backing up until my back was against the door.

"Nowhere, I swear."

He roughly grabbed my upper arm and pulled me with him.

"Don't fucking lie to me. I'll teach you to always be truthful with me."

I started to cry and beg for mercy when I saw the black door opening.

"No please no, please not the time-out room. I'll be a good girl, I'll do anything you want."

Scared I looked around the room wondering what kind of punishment it would be this time.
He always had something different set up in advance.

There were two chairs standing in the room facing each other, he pulled me towards one of them.


I sat down and he sat down in the other chair glaring at me.

"Did you just try to escape me?"

"No Kevin, I..."

Kevin got up from his chair and pulled me off the chair.
He grabbed a rope from the table and tied my wrist together. 

"Kevin, please. I'm sorry."

"Shut up or I will gag you."

His voice sounded awfully calm compared to his cold angry eyes.
He pulled me behind the chair.

"Bend over."

Not waiting for me to comply he pulled the rope down and under the seat and used the ends of each rope to tie my legs to the chair legs.
He lifted up the skirt I was wearing, exposing my underwear. 

"Bad girls don't need underwear."

He said when he pulled them down.
Scared of the vulnerable position I was in, I started to sob.
Kevin got in front of me and lifted my chin. 

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now