21. Emile

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I was in the kitchen at the bar drinking the tea with ginger and honey Kevin had made for me.
The liquid was doing wonders for my sore throat.
Two days I had been bed ridden because I was sick, two days were Kevin had been in the best mood possible because I had no choice but to depend on him.
Not because he made me but because I physically had no other option.
I had a killer headache for two days straight and I had been coughing my lungs out.
It still baffles me that Kevin was only sick for one day, maybe Iris's comment about killing him had sparked the energy back to him faster.
I knew she was still paying for that right now in the time-out room.

Mick was sitting like an owl on the edge of the counter staring at the window.
He made some odd chirping noises and when I looked up to see why I noticed the little bird in the window.
It just sat there cleaning it's feathers, unaware of the cat that wanted to eat it but couldn't reach it.

Mick jumped off the counter the second Kevin entered the kitchen and ran off.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling now?"

"A little better, my throat is still a bit sore but the tea helps."

I took another sip savoring the taste.
Kevin leaned in and gave a kiss on the top of my head.

"Happy to hear that love. When you finished it you're coming with me."

I rose a surprised eyebrow towards him, curious and a bit wary as to the why of this.
But Kevin didn't react to it and sat down next to me to read the morning paper.
He did however watched the clock from time to time, it seemed that there was a time limit to something.
When I finished my tea I nervously followed him back to the bedroom.

"Undress for me sweetheart."

My spirit started to sink, did I do something wrong?
Have I been too needy when I was sick?
Did I say something that ticked him off?
It didn't look like he was angry at me and I hope he's not thinking about sex because I don't feel 100% yet.

Slowly I took my clothes off while staring at the ground.
It was hard not to try and cover myself despite my insecurity about what was going on, but I know he will get mad if I do that.

When Kevin stood before me I carefully looked up a bit and wished I hadn't.
There was rope in his hands, a lot of rope.
What was he going to do?

First he started to wrap the rope just below my breasts and than over them.
Carefully adjusting them if they didn't go the way he wanted them.
I could feel it was suppose to restrict my breathing a little, it felt tight but not uncomfortable.
There was a focused look on his face, it was as if he wasn't even looking at me but just at what he was doing with the rope.

"Did... did I do something wrong?"

I carefully asked while he was walking around me making more knots and some intricate patron with the rope.
If I wasn't so scared perhaps I could enjoy it, it did start to look like a piece of art.
Kevin looked up as if I just snapped him out of a daze.

"Oh no baby, not at all. I was just so exited to try this that I forgot to explain."

He kissed me lovingly on my cheek before he got back to what he was doing.
It did relieve a bit of the stress I was feeling, but still I wasn't comfortable with were this might be going.

"You know you've been a good girl the day we went to get Chinese after I took you to see that doctor right? Well, Emile is coming today to pick up Mick and I want to show you off."

Kevin smirked while lifting the rope near my breast to guide the rope under it, his finger teasingly grazing the side of it.
His eyes met mine for a second and he chuckled at my shocked expression.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now