1. Sports

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The position I was in was killing me.
He had me chained to the wall for hours now.
My legs had fallen asleep long ago from the half kneeling position they were in.
And even if I had wanted to reposition them it would have been impossible, the short chains around my ankles gave me no other option but to keep them like that.
It was the whole reason they were sleeping now.
The muscles in my arms were screaming for relieve as they were kept in the same unnatural place for hours, directly chained to wall, a little bit above my head.

I stared at the small shimmer of light that came from under the door, while leaning with my head against my arm.
Somewhere I was hoping he would come back soon and dreading it at the same time.
There was a another uncomfortable feeling building up, before he left me here he had me drink a lot of water and now I had to pee.

I heard sounds on the other side of the door and had to close my eyes to the sudden amount of light coming in the room.

"So did you have time to think about your mistake my dear?"

"Y-yes Kevin, I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Kevin squatted down before me and grabbed my cheeks forcing me to look at him.

"What won't you do again?"

"I I'll never l-lock the bathroom door a-again."

He let go of my face and grinned.

"No you definitely won't, because I removed the door all together. Now how about giving me a kiss to make up."

His face got closer to mine and I quickly gave him a kiss on his cheek hoping, against better judgement, he would settle for that.

"That's not a kiss my dear."

He grabbed my hair with one hand making sure I couldn't turn my head away and started kissing my lips.
I could feel his tongue trying to enter my mouth and gave in.
Knowing it would get worse if I refused.

He let my hair go but didn't stop kissing.
Instead he dropped to his knees and his hands started to explore my upper body.
Slowly descending down to my hips and butt.
When his hands grabbed my butt and lifted it a bit of the ground, painful tingles in my legs started to flow from the sudden rush of blood that finally got through those veins.

I broke off the kiss panicking.

"Please Kevin, I have to pee."

He smirked looking at me and released my arms from the chains, they dropped to either side of my body feeling like they weighed a ton.

"Of course sweetie."

Then he unchained my legs and got up.

"Please h-help me Kevin. I I can't move... my l-legs are sleeping."

I kept my eyes to the floor, dreading I had to beg for help from him.

His smile was so sweet while he picked me up of the floor.

"Anything for my baby. Such a clumsy girl."

He smirked content.
I tensed up from the painful tingles in my legs now my blood flow was no longer constricted.
It made it very hard to keep my pants dry.
Thankfully Kevin wasted no time to bring me to the toilet.

He held me up with one arm while he skillfully unhooked my pants to pull them down with his other hand.

Just in time he let me sit down, he made sure I didn't fell off the toilet because my arms were still just dangling next to me.
They were so sore I didn't dare to lift them.

When I was done he helped me dry off and get my clothes back on.
Slowly my legs started to feel normal again.
But before I could say anything about it, Kevin had already picked me up and carried me to the living room.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now