8. Iris

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Kevin was out today and wouldn't be back until tonight.
I was alone, locked up in the bedroom with enough food and drinks to last me until he got back.
From what I heard he had forgotten his cellphone because I could hear it ring in the room next door.

Every few minutes it started to ring again, the same tone over and over again, slowly driving me nuts.

It must be that Iris again, I thought to myself, she found Kevin's number again.

I sighed... if only I could get my hands on that phone.

Kevin never let's me near it, and the only time he did he made it impossible to call for help.
It was still fresh on my mind what he did to me while Iris was on the phone.

Again I tried the door, hoping that by magic it would open this time.
The anticipation of what's to come when Kevin get's back and sees his phone was slowly killing me.
Was he going to be angry if he saw the amount of missed calls or would he ignore it?

There was a good chance he would take it out on me like last time...

Suddenly I froze when I heard a banging noise.
Someone was at the door, and that couldn't be Kevin, he has the key.
The faint little sliver of hope I had that it was going to be the police died quickly when I heard a familiar female voice yelling near one of the windows at the other room.
It was Iris, she found Kevin's new place.

"Kevin!! Open the fuck up!! I know you're in there!"

Kevin's going to blow up if he finds out she's here, I started to hyperventilate.
I don't want a repeat of what happened when she was on the phone, he had hardly touched me since and I wanted to keep it that way.

But then a different thought popped up in my head, maybe she could be my ticket out of this mess.
She wants Kevin for herself and I want to go back home.

"I-Iris?!" Carefully I called out next to the door hoping she would still be close and hear me.

It was quiet for a bit but then she responded.

"Who fuck are you?! Are you the fucking bitch that stole my Kevin?!"

"No... n-not exactly! Please help me!" I called back.

"Help you?! What the fuck do you mean?!" She started to sound more surprised and less angry, this could work in my favor.

"I'm kidnapped! I just want to go home!"

It stayed quiet on the other end, did she leave in the end?
Suddenly I heard the lock of the front door click and shortly after the sounds of some high heels clicking on the marble floor of the living room.

"What the fuck do you mean kidnapped?! What did that little shit do this time? Where are you?"

A bit intimidated by the way Iris talked I carefully knocked on the door to let her know where I was.

"I'm here..." A bit nervous for what I was about to encounter I stepped back from the door.
Iris really sounded like someone who would just kick open this door like some bad ass.

I could hear her tinker at the lock before it opened and there she stood in the door opening.
Iris, a tall proud looking woman.
Her face surrounded by gorgeous black curls, a figure that would look amazing in anything and the attitude of a dominatrix.
And amazing she looked in those tight black leather pants with a bright yellow puff sleeve shirt.
I felt tiny compared to her, like a little schoolgirl before the headmistress, thanks to that mini skirt and high stockings I was forced to wear today.
Iris just gave me a looks over before she placed two iron pins she used to pick the lock back in her little black purse.

At Kevin's mercyWhere stories live. Discover now