11. Lack of attention

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Seven days... I haven't seen Iris for seven days straight and Kevin was in such a bad mood I wasn't going to ask questions.
Thanks to my own experiences in his previous time-out room I had a pretty good guess at what he was doing to her.
I just hoped she'd be okay.

But it did start to bother me that Kevin was paying so much attention to Iris while he left me on my own doing house chores and stuff.
He had even told me I was free to watch TV but somehow that wasn't very appealing anymore.

I stared at the plate in my hand while drying it.
Should I just drop it on the floor and see what Kevin will say about it?

Shocked at the mere thought I quickly placed the plate in closet where it belonged.
What the hell was I thinking?
I should be happy he leaves me alone for most of the day, why the hell am I jealous of Iris?
But I had to admit... it was kinda lonely without Kevin.
Ever since he had started Iris her punishment he hadn't done anything to me.
Not even demanding his kisses...
I started to miss being on my toes, the strange feeling of excitement and anxiety if he made me do stuff I didn't really wanted to do.
These feelings confused me, why would I want to be harassed by him?

The sound of footsteps made me turn around.
Kevin entered the kitchen and looked tired again, just like the past few days.
He stopped and I saw him looking at me.

"What's wrong baby? You look sad."

He beckoned for me to come closer and for some reason I didn't hesitate to oblige.
I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head against his chest.

"It's just lonely without anyone around..."

I finally admitted my feelings out loud with a sigh, feeling a bit relieved at Kevin's arms around me as he hugged me.

"Don't worry, you're will always be my only angel. I just need that little bitch to submit to her new role and purpose. That takes a little time."

Kevin let go of me after placing a kiss on my head before walking to the fridge to grab a beer and some soda.
On his way to the living room he threw his arm around my shoulders and pull me along.
When he lied down on the couch with a yawn, placing his beer and the soda on the ground, he held out his arms as an invitation to crawl on top of him.
With one arm firmly around me, tracing circles on my lower back and the other mindlessly clicking away at the TV, we laid there.
He stopped changing channels on a movie we could watch.
I don't think he looked seriously at it, judging by his calm rhythmic breathing at one point, he even slept for a while.

When he did become more alert, his interest was no longer with the tv.
At first I didn't notice it that much, it wasn't until I felt his large hand softly squeeze my ass that I lifted my head and looked right into those mischievous eyes.
He was up to no good, but for some reason, call it the lack of attention, I was interested.
He moved his body so that he was laying on his back with me still on top.
Curious about his intentions this time I straddled my legs at his sides and pushed myself up from his chest to sit.
I stared down into his eyes while he studied me.

"If you want some attention baby, you need to work for it this time."

He said with a grin, moving his hand away from my ass and behind his head while he gave me a challenging look.
I blushed at both his implication, and because I really wanted some attention right now.
Despite everything he had done to me I missed his hands on my body.

Then I did something I never thought I was going to do in my time here with Kevin, I leaned in to kiss him.
Softly and a bit unsure about how far I wanted to go, my lips grazed his.
His eyes widened with my action, but he didn't hesitate to kiss back.
Unlike the other times, he waited for me to dictate how far to take it.
But soon I realized I liked the way he normally kissed me.
I wanted his tongue in my mouth, exploring every part of it and making me feel breathless.
How was I going to convey this feeling over to him?

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