15 - Outspoken

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No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make the other person feel important. ~Mary Kay Ash

Michael's POV

"Do you want me to beat Luke up?" Calum smiled at me the next day as he observed me face. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Well..You're no fun!" Calum folded his arms and stopped leaning over my desk.

"Calum he didn't do anything wrong." I said. "I mean it's Luke, Luke never does anything wrong."

"Luke does one thing wrong then." Calum said and I turned to him.

"Enough with the riddles and guessing games, Cal, just tell me."

"Luke doesn't do anything wrong." Calum shrugs. "That's what he does wrong, and it pisses you off all the time. Besides, that's not even true. Luke does things wrong all the time."

"Like what?"

"You just don't see that he's doing anything wrong." Calum continued. "When he does things wrong, you seem to automatically see it as it's alright, because it's Luke." Calum leaned towards my face. "Why is that, Michael?"

"I don't do that.." I muttered.

"That's complete and utter bull." Calum replied as he leaned back in his seat. "Oh all of Luke's friends just beat me up and he's just going to tell them to go to football practice, there's nothing wrong with that."

"That's because there is nothing wrong with that." I replied.

"Michael, come on." Calum rolled his eyes. "It's not just that, you treat Luke differently then anyone else. You even let him play on your DS. Michael, you don't even let me play on your DS."

"You're ridiculous." I rolled my eyes as I leaned back in my seat. Calum huffed and leaned back in his own. Knowing he would get no answer out of me, because there was not one. "He's like a little kid, alright? You have to treat him like one."

"You're gossiping in front of the wrong girl." I looked to my left and saw none other then Nina Summers sitting there with a smirk on her face. "Luke's a little kid, huh? And you worried about your face before.."

"That's not an insult." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh because I'm so sure everyone wants to be referred to as a little kid.." Nina scoffed. "Anything else you have to say about Luke? I can tell him, if you want me to."

"Sure, go tell him he's a spoiled brat." I smiled at Nina who smiled to herself.

"I thought you liked Luke, you're all he ever talks about." Nina shook her head slowly. "He certainly seems to appreciate you and what you do for him. Even if it is nothing. He's not just some scumbag, if anything that's you. At least he has a heart."

"Oh there's the guilt again!" I groaned.

"Good!" Nina scoffed. "Why do you feel like you can just be a jerk to people? It's not like that's what we do. We're nice to everyone unless they mess around with our friends. We're not just a group of jerks. You know that not every popular kid is a jerk, yeah?" I rolled my eyes. "Ah, stereotypes. Well look here, red-head," Nina leaned forward in her seat so she was closer to me. "You like to act like we've done you wrong when we've done nothing. Why don't you grow up and start acting like an adult, or I can give you a reason to hate us.." With that Nina sat back up in her seat.

"Why do you have to be like that?" I sighed.

"I'm sure Luke will be thrilled to know how little you think of him." Nina scoffed.

"Nina you aren't seriously going to tell him..Are you?" I asked. I may have just insulted Luke - which was not abnormal - but in all honesty I did not like the idea of leaving.

"Yes, Michael!" Nina scoffed. "Unless you can just stop acting like a little baby towards him and just give him a chance, then yes. I will tell him."

"I have given him a chance." I rolled my eyes.

"No you have not," Nina said. "You need to treat him like he's important, all the time. Not just when it's to your convenience. Alright? You're hurting his feelings, and he's not going to tell you that you are."

"Oh his feelings." I rolled my eyes.

"You're doing it again, Mikey." Calum commented. "You're not giving any consideration onto how Luke feels, only how you feel."

"You know, Clifford," Nina said as she leaned on her desk. "For the next week I want your solemn purpose to be around Luke, and I won't tell him. And I won't stretch the truth. But you have to spend as much time with him as possible. Got it pretty boy?"

"Yeah yeah." I sighed. "Fine."

"And if at the end of the week you actually don't like Luke, then don't be friends with him." Nina shrugged. "If there's one thing I can't stand, it's a fake. And I will kick your precious little bottom, if you are a fake. Got me?"

"Yes Nina I understand." I sighed.

"And you can't tell him about this, or it doesn't count." Nina said.

"Alright." I groaned.

"Good." Nina said. "Now pay attention, class has already started."

I let out a sigh and leaned back in my seat. I had no idea what I had just agreed to. No way did I want to give all my time and energy to Luke. There was the fact that he was always nice to me however. That he did indeed care. Who was I to completely shut down that? But who was he to keep butting in like this?

I eventually had to pick up my pencil and begin writing down the notes on the board, doing anything to get my mind off of the torture that was the next week I would have to spend with Luke.


Guys I'm pretty sick of Ari's crap, we're in chapter fifteen and they're not a couple yet. I am disappointed. Lol. I don't understand why I don't just read ahead though because I have a good twenty chapters from this book. I like to read it with you guys though. One chapter at a time. I might cheat a little though and read ahead xD ~Lucy

Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles and Serenades xX

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