Spotlight#115: Study Group

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Have you ever wanted to change for the better? If so, then YLAB's Study Group from Hyungwuk Shin and Seungyeon Ryu is definitely up your alley.


Everyone is motivated by a dream, which can keep them going when things get rough. A goal that's so far you have to fight for it. Our main character, Gamin Yoon, wants to get to university. Unfortunately, he was blessed with everything but a knack for academics, often placing last in class despite putting in the most effort.

Driven up against a wall, Gamin decided to take a gamble and enter Yusong High, a breeding ground for criminals that eventually join the crime syndicate White Lead. Nevertheless, he hopes to keep his head close to the ground and continue his merry way. However, when he sees that his old tutor Hankyung Lee becomes a teacher with the intent of saving the violent school, everything changes.

Now armed with a fighting chance Gamin and Lee register their partnership and change the school for the better by opening a study group. Nevertheless, it's a dangerous uphill battle that will push every member of the group to their limit. Every member is certainly up for the challenge, whether they fight through brain or brawn. This is the epic tale of Gaiman's first step toward university.


Gamin Yoon: Despite what the four eyes might say, our mc Gamin is the definition of himbo. Nevertheless, he's extremely studious, stubborn, and reckless. He's more than willing to put himself in danger by protecting people who wish to study. However, that doesn't make him taking personal failures any easier. Luckily for him, Gamin is a one-in-a-million talent in martial arts, being a fan of Bruce Lee.

Hankyung Lee: Otherwise known as Mrs. Lee, she is arguably the series deuteragonist. After the death of her supportive teacher, Jungha Oh, Mrs. Lee intends to pick up her torch. She is a highly determined, charismatic, and kindly teacher, willing to do anything to change Yusong for the better. While she goes through many hardships, she refuses to give up on any student, often reassuring them with a smile.

Geonyeob Park: The son of Jungha Oh, Geonyeob has dedicated his life to finding his mother's killer at all costs. He's vengeful, intense, and utterly ruthless in his pursuits. However, beneath his lust for revenge lies a righteous man who wants to protect the weak.


Much like Get schooled, Study Group is a part of the Bluestring Universe. Unlike its brother though, this series seems to have a greater connection to Hanlim Gym, with at least direct references and appearances from the main character there. For more information on the Bluestring Universe, my Get Schooled spotlight gives all the context you need. Either way, without prior knowledge, both Study Group have more than enough to enjoy by itself.

Even with me often doing these spotlights primarily for fun, there are few times where a webtoon has truly enraptured me quite like this. Genuinely catching up with the series was a massive treat. The enjoyment comes from the cast, which is one of the best I've seen in a while. Despite Gamin being the main protagonist and the strongest fighter so far, SG always devotes time to every member of the Study Group. Whether fighters or not, all of them find ways to improve, meaningfully contribute, and take the spotlight from Gamin using their methods. No one character feels like an afterthought here.

Combine that with White Lead's expert use as a gigantic antagonist force, and we get a unique underdog story that provides a linear narrative. Every challenge feels more daunting, but that also makes every victory or new ally better. The story also naturally creates unique worldbuilding for how the area interacts with White Lead and Yusong High. Which seamlessly works together to create lots of exciting fight scenes. Visually Study Group features usually simplified, angular characters with thin outlines

So while it's not as complex visually as, say, Teenage Mercenary and Weak Hero, it does give the fights far more fluidity and dynamism. The presentation carries through when the shading and effects in more powerful attacks get stronger. The greater characterization of the cast helps immensely in the fight scenes as most fighters get differentiated through various factors like their physicality, mentality, and martial arts. The different appreciation for more diverse martial arts of Taekwondo, Hapkido, and Kungfu breaks up the usual streetfighting in these stories. The special moves from Study Group added make Study Group's dozens of fights unique.

However, all the action in the world wouldn't adhere to SG if it weren't for its beautiful message. Despite barely spending any episodes on the subject Study Group does push academics. But it's honestly a lot more than that. The focus on studying and grades translate toward a theme of self-improvement.

Every character in the Study Group lives in a system stacked against them. An environment breeds you to either keep your head down or become a thug to survive. Sometimes getting above is so hard that you find more reasons to stop often than not. But SG instead tells you to keep going, no matter what anyone tells you. Against all odds, you still have control of your fate, a second chance to make the right choice. The one that will lead you closer to the goal you've always wanted.

As someone who actively seeks to improve himself every day. Who begs to be stronger, smarter, and kinder despite no one asking that of me while getting frustrated at what's it all for. With every entry encourages others to tell their own stories. How can I, in good conscience, not recommend a series that has inspired me so much?


I may still be a newcomer to the Bluestring Universe, but I think SG is the most series I will be messing with. Season 2 hasn't wholly reached its full stride yet, but the promise of a grander narrative, new allies, and more intense fights has excited me to see what's next. I hope my passion for this series can carry over to the next set of spotlights as we flash to where it will land next.

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