Spotlight#107: Boo It's Sex! (T#5)

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Ever wanted me to touch you in a very different way? If so, then I guess you are in for scare as we tackle the webtoon Boo It's Sex by Monica Gallagher, Danielle Corsetto, and Mae S. Keller.


One day, a group of college freshmen on the cusp of adulthood happened upon an abandoned sorority dorm. A haunted one, to be exact, as though opening a discarded tequila bottle, they find a ghost named Terra. Who seems to want to spend the rest of her afterlife discussing how to properly "protect" her new roommates as they discover more about their sexuality.


Tara: Our series mascot, Tara, is the spectral spectator of our main girls. For being dead, she is a rather enthusiastic, creative, supportive, and intrusive guru on all things sex. It's still a mystery how she died, but we know that she wants to pass on all her knowledge to those who know her.


This shouldn't be a surprise, but rereading this webtoon now is more relevant than in 2018. Honestly, I didn't appreciate this webtoon as much as I should've. Even when it's more socially accepted, sex seems to be such a taboo topic.

Out of embarrassment, anxiety, and repressive thinking, it does feel like sex is like this yellow-taped subject. You'll get dogged down with jokes, judging, and double standards if you cross it with genuine fear or intrigue. So to have any story tackle this head-on is admirable. Cause gods know no one should have to figure out this shit on their own or through "x-rated" sites.

Even though this series being a glorified sex-ed class, Boo does a great job of at least attempting a story with characters. The freshman: Denise, Christen, Kim, and Lindsey, all have managed to have ongoing subplots and well-defined enough personalities to know what they want.

The best part is regardless of their inexperience or sex drive. The series never shames them eternally for their choices and mistakes. The story's point is to create a safe space for anyone who has questions on sex and educate those on how best to engage. This doesn't extend to purely sex as well. There are a lot of handful tips in general for relationship advice. Clean communication, setting up boundaries, and feeling comfortable are all running themes.

Combined with the fact that this is one of the few completed webtoons without a daily pass, the pros keep on piling. All 97 chapters are pretty short, binge-able, and rewatchable, which will encourage me to keep rereading, despite being outside the target demographic.

This all doesn't even mention the great art on display. Monica Gallagher is one of unique art styles I've seen on webtoon. The supreme curves, character expressions, and jokes made this a good ride all the way through. It makes me want to revisit her other work, Assassin Roommate, another day.


Overall, Boo It's Sex while being a different take from what I cover was a very interesting series to revisit. I highly recommend it to any older people in my audience if possible. It shows that I can still surprise some people now and again through these spotlights. Let's see if the hits keep coming as I shine the spotlight somewhere else.

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