french braids

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Sirius was in quidditch practice and Remus was sitting in the common room. It was raining outside, so he didn't go to watch the practice. He was sitting by the fire on a couch, a book on his lap and a tea cup on a nearby table.

The common room was almost empty, there was Lily talking to some of her friends in one corner, a couple first and second years here and there, but mostly empty.

After a while, the Gryffindor quidditch team crawled through the portrait hole. Every single one was soaking wet. Most of them went to shower and to change to something better than their quidditch gear.

But Sirius just sat down on the couch next to his boyfriend. Remus closed his book, noticing that Sirius was upset about something, he didn't say anything, and his body language was telling that something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Siri?" He set the book down on the table, taking his tea and sipping on it.

"Nothing, everything is fine." He said, not even looking up. He just stared at the floor, crossing his arms on his chest.

"You should go to change, you'll get sick if you don't. I can braid your hair if you'd like?" Remus suggested, as he knows Sirius likes having his hair braided from time to time.

"Okay moony." He said, giving him a small smile and getting up.

He got to the marauders dorm and changed into sweatpants and one of remus' jumpers, he decided to shower later.

He wasn't even sure why he was so upset, he had had a couple of nightmares last night and basically the whole start of term. He didn't wake Remus last night, as he didn't want to disturb him because "Remus looks so pretty when he's asleep".

Regulus was mad at him and upset with him, that was mostly the reason for him being upset. Sirius had left the house last summer and Regulus wasn't happy with it.

He walked back to the common room, it was even more empty now than when he had got from practice. James and Peter were at their dorm. He sat back down next to Remus.

"You have to sit down on the floor, so I can braid it." Sirius slid down the couch until he was on the floor, he shifted, so he was between remus' legs.

Remus started to slowly card through the tangled raven locks. He combed through them with his fingers. After Sirius' hair was untangled, he started to make a French braid in the middle.

"All done." He said, wrapping his arms around Sirius' neck and resting his head on his. Sirius leaned back, more into remus' embrace.

"Do you want to come here and sit on my lap?" Remus asked. "We can cuddle if you like."

Without a word, Sirius got up from the floor and sat on remus' lap. He was facing Remus, who pressed a quick kiss on his lips. Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius' waist and started to rub his back slowly. Sirius loosely wrapped his arms around remus' neck, playing with the ends of his dirty blond locks.

"You've been awfully quiet all day, is something wrong?" Remus asked, trying to find Sirius' eyes.

"Regulus is still mad at me."

"I know."

"Do you think he will talk to me at some point without yelling?"

"I don't know, Siri." Remus admitted he was hoping that Regulus would talk to Sirius because it was breaking him.

"I'm tired."

"Do you want to go to bed?"

Sirius shook his head. "I'll just have another nightmare."

"Did you have one last night?"

"Mhm" Sirius nodded. "Twice." He whispered.

"Oh baby, why didn't you wake me up?" He asked, caressing over Sirius' cheek, making him look at Remus.

"You're pretty when you sleep, I didn't want to bother, besides you wake up almost every night because of me."

"I don't mind waking up, if it's because of you." He said. "Wake me up if you can't sleep, okay?"

He nodded. He rested his head on Remus' shoulder and wrapped his arms more tightly around his neck. Remus did the same, hugging Sirius more tightly around his waist.

Both of the boys stayed silent, just enjoying each other's company and embrace. Sirius almost fell asleep listening to remus' steady breathing.

"Do you want to go up to bed?" Remus asked, and Sirius nodded. He slowly untangled himself from Remus and got up from the couch, taking remus' hand, pulling him up and leading him to the dorm room.

Sirius took off his jumper, and climbed into bed. Remus changed into pj's and crawled in bed with Sirius.

Sirius snuggled close to remus, Remus wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, giving a kiss on his forehead and rubbing his side comfortingly.

"Goodnight, Sirius." He whispered.

"Goodnight, rem." He mumbled.

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