never gonna let you go

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TW: none, i think (please tell me if you find something i should warn about in any of my fics :)

Remus was sat in the common room, curled up by the fire with a book in his lap. Just enjoying the quietness for once and the freedom of not having to do anything. Like school work, as he had finished everything he had to do. The reason it was so quiet was, most of the people in the common room were studying and if they weren't, they were talking, so quietly he could barely hear them. Another reason it was so quiet was quidditch practice, so there was no one annoying him.

James and Sirius were playing, and Peter had a habit of going to watch their practices. Besides, he had an important task that he had gotten from James, “Look out if Lily comes to see our practices.” She had to be dragged out to watch the games, so why on earth would she come to see their practice? Remus didn't quite understand how James, who really couldn't keep interest in anything apart from quidditch, was so hopelessly in love with Lily for such a long time and still going strong, even though he got rejected every time. 

Sirius had been quiet all day, Remus thought no longer reading his book, just staring blankly at the page lost in his thoughts. He had been oddly quiet, and Sirius was never quiet, unless there was something really bothering him. But he also knew that Sirius wouldn't tell him. Unless he really needed to get something off his chest, or it was something making him feel so overwhelmed and anxious that he couldn't do anything but just cry it out while Remus held him. Remus made a mental note to ask Sirius if something was wrong.

He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts as he saw Sirius standing in front of him, how didn't he notice him there? “Stop scaring me like that.” He said, holding his chest playfully, before closing the long forgotten book on his lap.

“Sorry, didn't mean to.” Sirius mumbled, looking down to the floor. Remus took a better look at his boyfriend, he had changed out of his Quidditch Gear to one of Remus' jumpers and some joggers, his hair was tied up in a messy bun, surprisingly not held together by his wand like it usually was. Sirius didn't say anything, just stood there, shifting from one foot to the other, looking rather anxious.

Remus furrowed his brows, starting to get worried. “Don't worry about it.” He smiled, taking Sirius' hands into his and giving them a reassuring squeeze. “Now what's up?” He asked, trying to look Sirius in the eyes, but he just avoided eye contact.

Remus could see how tears started to well up in his eyes, and soon Sirius broke down to sobs. So, Remus pulled him down to sit in his lap, letting Sirius curl up in his lap. “Oh baby.” He whispered softly, wrapping his arms around Sirius. He was a little surprised and definitely worried. Sirius hated crying in public, so this was something that never happened.

“What's the matter, angel?” He asked, glancing around the room, seeing James sitting on the couch next to the armchair, looking as puzzled as he did. Sirius didn't answer, he just shook his head, burying it in the crook of Remus' neck.

“What happened?'' Remus mouthed to James, who shook his head shrugging, looking worriedly at Sirius.

“Baby, you gotta breathe.” He whispered, and Sirius tried, he really tried, but he just couldn't take a deep breath. “Breathe with me, yeah?" He said, taking Sirius' hand and laying it flat on his chest, holding his own hand over it. Remus took some deep breaths, and after a moment, Sirius' breathing started to even out. Although, he was still crying and his tears weren't about to slow down. But at least his breathing was a little better.

He wrapped his arms protectively around Sirius. He kissed Sirius' forehead, gently shushing him. Sirius was hiccuping, still trying to catch his breath, silent tears flowing down from his eyes.

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