are you okay

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TW: Panic attack

Remus headed to the library as soon as the lessons of that day ended. To say at least he was having a bad day, he wasn't even fully sure why, he was just having a bad day.

Sirius tried to talk to him during the day or cheer him up, but Remus just seemed irritated with him and snapped at him a couple of times, so he stopped. He thought that he'd go to him when they could be alone.

He watched as Remus left towards the library when they came from potions and he, Peter and James were going to the Gryffindor tower. He thought about it for a moment, looking after Remus. 

“See you later.” He called, and the two boys turned around, nodding understandably as they continued to walk towards their common room, and Sirius changed his direction towards the library.

When he got there, a little after Remus, he didn't want to make him feel like he was just following him around, besides there was a big chance Remus wanted to be alone. He walked around the library before finding Remus sitting at the far corner table near a window, with a book In front of him, but he was just staring out of the window.

Sirius went over to him, sitting down next to Remus and setting his book bag down next to him on the bench.

“Remus?” He whispered softly, trying not to annoy him any more. He didn't answer, so he looked down at his lap, before looking back at Remus. “How are you?”

“I'm okay.” He said blankly, continuing to stare out of the window, a small smile forming on his lips.


“I'm okay.” He repeated. “I'm okay.” Remus whispered, the smile disappearing as he looked down to his lap. Sirius reached for remus' hand, interlocking their fingers and resting them down on his thigh.

“You're not okay, are you?” He asked, looking at him a little worried. Remus shook his head, closing his eyes to fight off the tears as he rested his head on Sirius' shoulder.

“It's okay, love, don't worry about it, I got you.” He whispered in Remus' hair, he caressed Remus' cheek with his other hand, wiping a couple of tears away from there. “Wanna tell me?”

“Too much.” He mumbled, leaning more into Sirius and resting his head on Sirius' chest. He felt more tears falling down from his eyes, but he let them be. Sirius let go of his hand and wrapped his arms better around remus.

“What's too much? School?” He felt Remus nod, and he kissed his head. “That's okay, moony, everyone's stressed, yeah. You're not alone.”

“I need you to calm down for me.” He whispered, when Remus started to breathe more heavily. “Just breathe, baby. It's alright.”


“Shh, shh. Okay, look at me, yeah?” He whispered, and Remus lifted his head up, looking at Sirius, still breathing heavily and tears going down his face. Sirius took Remus' hands to his and looked him in the eyes, although his eyes weren't really focused.

“Focus on breathing, yeah? In and out.” He said. “Breathe in for four. Hold for one and breathe out for five, can you do that baby?”

“1, 2, 3, 4.” Sirius counted, breathing in. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” He breathed out after a moment. “Good, just a couple more, yeah?”

He repeated his instructions a couple of times more, praising Remus when he calmed down. Sirius wiped tears out of his face.

“There's just so much to do and and I-” Remus started, his hands feeling clammy and shaky, and his breathing starting to get ragged, again.

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