leave the light on

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TW: nothing

He stared into the fire, watching how the bright flames danced from left to right, how the color changed just slightly every now and then. Listening to the quiet popping and cracking sounds it made as the logs burned. He was alone in the common room, a rare treat. Someone was almost always there, no matter the time of day.

But there were exams tomorrow, for fifth years, so they had either gone to bed to get a good night sleep for it, or hunched over a pile of textbooks and notes from lessons. But weirdly, none of them had stayed in the common room. The other ones Sirius didn't know about, as to why they weren't in the common room like usually at this time.

Sirius had that same pile of books and notes on the table, but he didn't feel like reading through them, he was going to fail anyway, so what would it matter. Leaving the studying to the last night was always a bad idea and never worked, so it wouldn't matter to even try.

He had studied for the exam once, only because Remus forced him to, but he had forced James too, so at least they had suffered together. So maybe that would be enough studying for one of the most important exams of his life. Just, maybe.

He fiddled with the tissue in his hands, wiping away the tears before they even got the chance to roll down his cheeks. He wasn't sure why he was so sad, he just was. Nothing had exactly happened, so he didn't understand, maybe it was just one of those days, or nights.

He felt overwhelmed and sad, both for no reason, at least he couldn't think of one, but he just felt like crying. But he didn't want to cry because if he did, he knew there'd be no end to the tears. He just didn't want to cry. He wanted to be happy or feel okay in the least.

He had promised Remus that he'd wait until he'd come from the library, so they could go to sleep together. Both unable to fall asleep without the other now, it was weird, but that was just how it was. It was easier to fall asleep with someone than when he was alone, it also seemed to take away some of the bad dreams. Maybe Remus had some magical powers to keep them away. Or maybe it just wasn't as terrifying to wake up from a nightmare when he knew someone would be there.

Thinking of Remus made him want to cry even more, but still, he didn't want to cry. Especially not when Remus would eventually come to the common room and if he was crying, Remus would worry. And he didn't want Remus to worry, he was already so stressed about the exams that he just didn't need other things to burden him.

He continued trying to hold back the tears and wiping them away when they involuntarily fell down. He stared into the fire, the slow movements making him feel slightly calmer, although that didn't help with the tears, but at least his hands weren't shaking as much.

After a while, he heard the doorway behind the portrait open and close as someone came into the common room. He didn't look away from the fire though, he knew who it was, he recognized the footsteps, and he knew Remus was about the only Gryffindor who wasn't currently in the tower.

Remus frowned slightly as his boyfriend came into his view, he looked sad with his knees tucked up to his chest and his head resting on them, just staring into the fire. Remus slowly walked closer, dropping his book bag down next to the sofa, and going to sit next to him.

Sirius glanced at him, giving him a small smile, and Remus smiled back. “What's going on?” He asked, as Sirius looked back away, but moved, so his head was resting on Remus' shoulder.

“Nothing.” He whispered. “Just tired.” He said, glancing at Remus again, who wrapped his arm around the boy, to pull him a bit closer and started to play with his hair.

“I'm tired too.” He whispered back, even though he was sure Sirius wasn't just tired. “Did you get any studying done?” Sirius shook his head, closing his eyes for a moment.

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