it's going to be okay

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nothing too graphic, But, the whole fic is basically about suicide and dealing with your loved one doing it. There is also a scene where a character cuts themselves, but it's not graphic, just a few sentences

If you get triggered easily, find something else to read, or think before reading

It's wolfstar, but not until the end really

“Sirius?” Euphemia said, as she opened the door to the guest bedroom that had been made to be his room now that he lived with the Potters. He looked at her, sitting up on the bed as she walked over. “I have some news for you.” She said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. She didn't sound like her normal self, but Sirius couldn't quite tell what it was, something was just off. She had this look on her face that Sirius couldn’t really place.

“Okay.” He breathed out, some panic slipping into his tone as he started to think about what it could be.

“It's about your brother.” Euphemia started, not sure how she could say something like that, she just didn't know, but she knew she had to deliver the news, it was only right. “Regulus has- he has passed away.” She said simply, a small tear almost slipping out from her eye, but she blinked it back.

Sirius just stared at her, his eyes widening, probably in shock. “Oh. Okay.” He whispered slowly. Euphemia hadn't expected this kind of reaction, she had thought Sirius' would've started crying, or something like that, but he didn't seem to have any other response than that. He just looked at her in disbelief, for several minutes, before looking away, staring at the wall across from his bed.

“Sirius -”

“How do you know?” He asked, still not believing what he was told. How could he be dead? They had talked over the phone last night, and it seemed like everything was okay because usually Sirius could tell if something was bothering his little brother, and he was usually pretty open about those things, to Sirius. But last night he seemed happy, he was laughing and joking, so Sirius just didn’t understand.

“Monty got a call just now, he didn’t say who, but I’m guessing one of your parents.” She explained gently, repeating what Fleamont had just told her. Sirius nodded, but didn’t look at her. He felt weird, like all the air had been forced out of his lungs suddenly, but he was still able to breathe. Weirdly, he didn’t feel like crying, he didn’t feel the tears in his eyes because they weren’t there. He was supposed to be crying, right? “He said that they found his body this morning in his bedroom.” She said, thinking Sirius would like to know, she wished he could tell him more, but she just didn’t know.


“I'm so sorry, Sirius.” He nodded again, leaning his head against the wall and looking up at the ceiling.

“Don't be Effie.” Sirius whispered, glancing at her only for a second, but enough to see her sad expression and the tears threatening to fall. She was almost crying at this, but still, he wasn't. He didn't understand the whole point of apologizing when someone has died. It was stupid in his opinion, he didn't even know why he hated that phrase so much, he always had. “Can I-. Can I be alone?”

She hesitated for a moment before answering. “Of course.” She said, getting up from her spot. “I'll be back later, okay?” Sirius just nodded before she left his room.

He just sat there without really thinking of anything, staring up at the ceiling. He didn't know what he was supposed to think about, it was like his mind had just gone blank all of a sudden and everything had slowed down. It felt strange, that was about the only word he could think of to describe this feeling. He was feeling so many feelings at the same time, but nothing at all, his eyes burning, but no tears came out. It felt unreal, like a nightmare, and he’d soon open his eyes and he could sigh in relief and reassure himself by saying it was just a dream. But that moment never came, meaning it wasn’t a dream but reality, which he definitely didn’t want it to be, he never wanted it to be.

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