I do have a family

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• non magical au, kinda modern? Idk it doesn't matter and a hint of jegulus :)

Tw: abuse, nothing graphic tho

A small brown letter, with a black wax seal on it, his mother was that kind of old-fashioned. Everything had to be done the way it had always been. Why change something that has been good for decades. Although Sirius didn't understand that logic, he also didn't understand why this letter was lying in their mailbox under a couple of bills and a newspaper.

He picked it up anyway, although in reality he would've loved to just leave it there and never take it out. But he felt like he had to pick it up, bring it to their flat, open it and read it and do whatever it said. He felt just like he did when he was a child. He just had to.

Sadly, Remus wasn't even at home, so he couldn't open it with him and probably cry about whatever was written there. He sat down on the kitchen counter, although he had been told multiple times not to sit there. He tore the letter open with trembling hands. He didn't want to read this, but he had to. He pulled out the letter, reading through it.

It was written in his mother's beautiful cursive handwriting. Her handwriting was probably the only beautiful thing in that woman, in his opinion at least.

It was an invitation for Christmas. It was coming around in a couple of weeks, and he definitely hadn't expected this letter. He hadn't kept any contact with his parents since he was sixteen. Not since he ran away and was disowned by them. So, he certainly didn't understand why now six years later she decided to invite him for Christmas dinner.

He dropped the letter on the counter, thinking, what the hell was he supposed to do now. He couldn't say no. He needed to go. He knew the consequences of disobeying his parents, definitely his mother. It wasn't allowed. Even though he had been living on his own for six years and hadn't said a word to his mother since then.

She always had her ways of finding out details of her children, where they lived, what they're doing with their lives and such. And if he didn't go to this stupid dinner, he would get a personal visit by his mother. One day, he'd open that door, and she'd come in, or he'd come home, and somehow she was in there. She had her ways.

He wondered if Regulus had gotten the same letter, or was this an opportunity to be humiliated and abused, just for him. Although Christmas was a family holiday after all. Not for his family, though.

In the black family, Christmas would go the same way each and every year. They were forced to come home from school, and then it started. Two weeks of hell. Drinking, drunk confessions of how horrible kids they were, fighting, blaming, hitting, every single thing under the sun.

He definitely didn't want to remember those. For some reason, Christmas was always the worst. Even though their summer break was longer, Christmas time was absolutely the worst, it took him many years to start enjoying Christmas. He still wasn't the biggest fan, but he had started liking it. He had started to enjoy the traditions he and Remus had.

They had been dating since their school days, and during those times he was invited to Remus' around Christmas by Hope, and he went, and loved it. He loved seeing a real family Christmas instead of what was going on at the place he was supposed to call home. But he did not enjoy the beating he got when he got home that summer after.

He did not want to repeat that. So, he needed to go. He slid down off the counter, wiping his eyes, from tears that escaped as he thought about the past. He glanced at the clock, smiling as he realized Remus would be home, in about an hour. This wasn't how he had planned the day to go, but he couldn't change that now, could he?

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