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TW. slight mention of self harm, blink and you miss it

Flashbacks in italics

Sirius had always thought that Remus was pretty. Since the day they met, he obviously didn't tell Remus, when they first met, but over the years he did, countless times.

Sirius adored his amber eyes, well, Sirius thought it looked like honey rather than that. And that he always told Remus. He had pretty eyes, and long eyelashes, which Sirius was maybe a little jealous, but he still loves them. Remus liked when Sirius talked about his eyes, he didn't admit it, though.

"Rem, it's like honey dripping on a dark brown surface." Sirius smiled. "Y'know they look kind, Remus you have kind eyes."

Remus opened his mouth to say something in protest, but Sirius put his hand over remus mouth. "No arguing, you have pretty eyes."

And Sirius absolutely loved his hair, not as much as his own, but still loved it. Remus' hair was always fluffy and Remus insisted that it wasn't curly, but some days it was. Sirius loved the way remus' hair fell right before his ears and just almost reached his eyes if he didn't brush them away.

"Sirius, I swear my hair isn't curly." Remus sighed for the thousandth of time. He liked when Sirius played with his hair, but he was constantly talking about it.

"Nuh uh, I know curly when I see curly." He said in the most serious tone he could find in this situation. Remus gave him a side eye look and Sirius smiled. "C'mon moony it's a little curly, well, if not curly, fluffy at least." He grinned, and Remus couldn't help but give him a small smile. "Either way, it's pretty." He whispered, planting a kiss and remus' lips.

Scars. Remus hated them and did everything in his power to hide them; he always wore long sleeves, even if it was hot, or he'd avoid people's eyes when some of them showed. He'd avoid all questions about them, always, no expectations, well, except for Sirius. Sirius didn't ask questions, unless he was asking if he could touch them or did they still hurt.

Sirius thought that remus' scars made him just more pretty, if possible. He liked tracing them, and he knew it calmed Remus down. He always did it after full moons, going over the old ones, reminding Remus that it's okay. He never touched fresh ones unless he had asked Remus if it was okay.

Sirius always tried to remind the boy that he was pretty and amazing and definitely deserved love, as Remus didn't think he did.

From remus' view and opinion was that he was an unlovable monster. Which wasn't true and Sirius tried to tell him that, he always did. On some days Remus didn't believe him, but again on some days he did, and it made a smile appear on his face, even when he felt like nothing could make him smile. Sirius always did, though.

Sirius was sitting in a chair next to a bed in the hospital wing. It had been a rough full moon and Remus had been sleeping for the whole day, and Pomfrey had said that he probably wouldn't wake up until the next morning. Sirius didn't care, he just sat there and watched remus' steady breathing and his so familiar features.

Sirius was always the one who stayed in the hospital wing, until Remus was feeling better and awake and would get to leave the hospital wing. Remus didn't like that Sirius skipped his lessons and stayed there with him. Although after a rough full moon, he thought it was nice to have him there. He didn't tell Sirius because he knew it wouldn't make a difference whether he told him not to stay there or if he liked it.

Sirius had fallen asleep before Remus woke up, his head resting on his hands, on the edge of remus' bed. Remus fluttered his eyes open and looked around the room, noticing the weight at the bed and looking down at Sirius who was fast asleep. He brushed some hair out of his face and Sirius woke up and smiled.

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