needle and a thread

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TW!!! ABUSE, or what ever you wanna call it, a little graphic so be careful

His mother's loud and cold voice boomed through the whole house, all the way up to his room. He flinched, wondering what did he do now. It's probably just his entire existence that has set her off tonight, like it was most of the time. He slowly got up from his bed, every part of his body already hurting, from being pushed down a couple of staircases, for walking down too slowly. He was glad summer would be over in just a week, and he didn't have to be here until next summer.

Another call of his name, this time all three. Sirius Orion Black, he hated his name, always had. There was nothing exactly wrong with Sirius, except for it being a family tradition to be named after stars, but Orion, the name of his father that would follow him until the end. And the cursed last name, Black.

He walked down the stairs down to his mother's study, where he had heard the voice coming from. He carefully stepped in, his body already shaking. On the table, he saw a needle and thread, he looked up seeing both of his parents.

“Sit down.” She commanded, and when Sirius didn't move, he couldn't, if he moved he'd fall over. Orion took him by his shoulders and shoved him into the office chair that was in front of him. “When you're told to do something you do it, you should remember it by now, shouldn't you.” She mocked. Yes, he had heard those words thousands of times, every time he didn't do something when he was told, since he was a child. When he was at Hogwarts, he tried to remind himself that he didn't have to do absolutely everything, and he could say no, without being punished and pushed around. But it just stuck with him most of the time.

“And you answer when you're spoken to, stupid boy, you have to be reminded every time.” She snarled and Sirius bit his lip, holding back his tears and his voice, he just wanted to shout at her and at him, but doing that was probably what had let him to be sat down in this chair, so he kept quiet.

“Yes mother.” He looked up at her, like he was supposed to, but instead of that, in one quick movement he felt a sting on his cheek.

“Oh, Sirius, I'm not your mother, you don't have a mother.” Sirius swallowed thickly, looking down at the floor, hoping whatever would come would just be quick and not so painful, although he knew that was just some childlike hope, and trust to his parents. “You do remember what you did this morning. Acting out, shouting and those tears, so pitiful, you're a man Sirius. You know better than that and that little outburst of yours.”

Crying. Just one of the things that wasn't allowed in their house, not even when they were little kids. Crying would always end up in a punishment, even if they were crying because of a punishment, from the pain that came from it. There was just always pain. Nothing else.

“See that needle on the table? You know what's going to happen, don't you?” Sirius kept his eyes glued to the floor, he knew exactly what was going to happen now. It had happened only once before, but he was really young, probably five or six, if he remembers correctly, although he hopes that he doesn't. He doesn't remember what it felt like, he just remembers that it hurts and that it burns, and bleeds. Oh, the amount of blood he remembers from that night, ten years ago. It could be just his imagination that there was a lot of blood, but that's how he remembers it. He doesn't even remember why they had done it back then.

Walburga picked up her wand, casting a rope to tie him in the chair. It was tight, and he could barely move, but that was the point. Then she picked up the needle, the thread already attached to it, and Sirius could see a small knot at the very end. It was somewhat thicker than what you'd normally use for sewing, more like yarn, but not quite. It was red, that he could tell even in the dimly lit room.

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