i love you a lot

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Remus woke up to his alarm clock, far too early for his liking. He turned it off and laid back down on his side, looking at his peacefully sleeping boyfriend for a moment before getting up. Sirius didn't even stir when the alarm clock went off. Remus pressed his lips on Sirius' forehead, before getting up from bed.

He was glad that Sirius was sleeping, he has been going through a lot lately and hasn't been sleeping well. Remus found clothes he could wear to work and made his way downstairs to make a cup of tea and some breakfast. He didn't wake Sirius because he didn't have work.

After he was done with everything he made a sandwich for Sirius, if he would eat when he woke up, and filled his water bottle. Before going back to their bedroom, he grabbed a bottle of pills from their bathroom, that had Sirius medicine.

He walked over to his side and set the things he had brought to the bedside table. He brushed some hair out of Sirius's face and kissed his temple. “Good morning.” He whispered.

Sirius fluttered his eyes open after a moment and looked sleepily up at Remus. “You can go back to sleep baby, in a minute, I just didn't want to go without waking you.” Remus explained, even though he woke Sirius up every morning when he left for work and told him the same things. Every morning.

“I brought you your water and meds, remember to take them when you wake up, okay?” Sirius nodded, closing his eyes. “I got you something to eat, and when I come from work I'll make something, okay?” Remus spoke softly and Sirius nodded again. “Gonna be okay?"

“Yeah.” Sirius mumbled. “Don't worry.”

“I'm always worrying, anyway, y'know to text or call me if something comes up.”

“I know.” He smiled tiredly, and looked at Remus. “Love you.”

“I love you too, angel, see you later.” He said, kissing his forehead, before walking out of the room. When Remus left, Sirius tried to fall back to sleep, but like every morning the bed felt so empty and cold.

Sirius never wanted Remus to go, but knew he had to and Sirius couldn't do anything about it. He took Remus' pillow and hugged it close to him, inhaling the scent of Remus, cinnamon and vanilla, that scent always calmed him.

He managed to fall asleep, only to wake up a couple of hours later to a nightmare. He panicked when his eyes opened, and he looked around the room trying to find Remus, quickly remembering that he wasn't home.

He pressed remus' pillow closer to his chest and let The tears fall from his eyes. He tried to push away the thoughts and memories that were repeatedly playing in his head. His breath got faster, and he felt like he couldn't breathe at all. He attempted to calm down by himself, but it was always harder.

He wanted to call Remus, but decided that a silly dream and a panic attack wasn't a reason to bother him. He knew that later when Remus would most likely find out, he would hear about it. After a while, he turned to his back and reached for his phone on the night stand.

He thought about texting to Remus, staring at his phone, but he couldn't find the words or energy to type anything, so he just put his phone back down on the table. He looked at it and saw a sandwich Remus had made him in the morning, deciding against eating it. He also noticed the water bottle and the meds he was supposed to take.

They didn't exactly work, but his therapist told him to try it out for a while before she'll describe a new one. Besides, he hated taking medicine, and one morning when he didn't take it wouldn't hurt or do anything bad. Well, that's at least what he thought.

He turned back to his side and just stared blankly at the wall, not moving for hours. He reached for his phone, considering calling Remus or texting him, but just ending up scrolling through social media until he put it back down to the night stand. He was lost in his thoughts, occasional tears slipping from his eyes.

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