moony wake up

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*based on some fan art that i couldn't find anymore, sooo*

It was a couple of days after the full moon, and Remus had been sleeping the whole time. He didn't come out of his and Sirius' bedroom.

Sirius and Harry had just got home from doing some groceries, Remus was fast asleep in their bedroom, curtains drawn in front of the big windows and lights shut.

“Harry, the full moon was two days ago, promise me you won't wake moony. Okay?” Sirius asked as he and Harry got home.

“Otay.” Harry said smiling.

Harry left to go to his room, but on the way he stopped at Remus' and Sirius' Bedroom door and probably had already forgotten what Sirius had just told him. Sirius went to the kitchen to unpack groceries before going to check on Remus.

Harry slowly creaked open the door and the little boy walked into the room and stopped by the bed where Remus was buried under the blankets fast asleep.

“Moony, you still sleeping?” Harry asked. Climbing into the bed, having some trouble doing so. Sirius had heard their bedroom door open because it always made a sound when opened. Sirius stopped at the door, seeing Harry climb into their bed.

“Padfoot said that I can't come to wake you, but you've been sleeping for two days, I miss you.” Harry said, sitting down on the bed next to Remus. Sirius' heart melted at Harry and his actions, obviously the boy didn't understand why Remus was 'sick' on every full moon, as they had tried to explain remus' condition to Harry.

Remus slowly fluttered his eyes open and looked around the dark room, only light coming from the doorway. “Hey.” Remus whispered quietly and slowly, but he smiled. He was happy to see Harry and hear that he missed him, even though it had only been a couple of days.

“Moony!” Harry said happily. Sirius walked to the bed and sat down next to harry. Remus looked at the small boy with sleepy eyes, his eyes drifting to the smiling Sirius next to harry.

“Sorry for all this mess cub, I'll get better soon, I promise.” Remus said, messing with Harry's hair with his hand, which was covered in a bandage.

“How about we go out tomorrow and do something fun, sound good?” Remus asked, smiling, resting his arm back to the bed.

“Is padfoot coming too?” Harry asked, laying down, next to Remus, shifting closer to him.

“Of course I am.” Sirius smiled.

Remus pulled Harry closer to him and Sirius shifted closer to the two, the latter still sitting down on the bed.

“Moony?” Sirius whispered.


“You still tired?”


Sirius saw how Harry was about to fall asleep himself, so he asked. “What if you and moony sleep here, and I'll go make some food, huh?”

“Otay.” Harry said, and Remus hummed in response. Sirius got up and left the room, going down to the kitchen, closing the door behind him, knowing that Remus still had a headache.

''Do you want to come under the blanket?” Remus asked, lifting the blanket. Harry didn't answer, but crawled underneath it, close to Remus. Remus draped an arm over the small boy, closing his eyes.

“Moony?” Harry whispered before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.


“I love you.”

“I love you too, cub.”

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