just rest Part 2

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Sirius dozed off quickly, Remus looked down at the sleepy boy in his arms as his breathing evened out. Remus was worried because he could feel the heat radiate off the boy and usually when Sirius was sick his nightmares got worse, he had dealt with them before, but it always broke his heart to see the boy so scared.

After a while Remus, carefully, slipped out of bed and changed into his pj's. Both James and Peter had both fallen asleep. He crawled back to his bed, trying not to wake Sirius up, but of course, he opened his eyes and looked at him. “Moony.” He mumbled.

“Shh, baby, just go back to sleep, okay?” Remus whispered, petting his sweaty, tangled curls. Sirius closed his eyes and snuggled closer to Remus as he laid back down to the bed. Remus wrapped his arms around the boy. After Sirius had surely fallen back to sleep, Remus let himself fall asleep.

Remus was woken up by Sirius, who was constantly moving and shifting in his sleep. Remus looked at him, with concern, before gently shaking him, so he would wake up. He looked at the clock: 3.30 in the morning. Sirius, opened his eyes and sat up, looking around the room, his eyes trying to find Remus, so he could focus on something.

“Sirius.” He whispered softly as he saw that the boy started to panic, he sat up, resting his back to the headboard. “Shh baby, calm down, yeah? Everything is alright, everything is good.”

“I-i don't feel good.” Sirius panted.

“Calm down, you're just working yourself up, okay? Calm down and you'll feel better.” He said, rubbing Sirius' back.

“Moony.” Sirius cried.

“Are you gonna be sick?” Remus asked, and Sirius nodded, swallowing thickly. Remus quickly shot up from bed and grabbed a bin from underneath his desk and quickly held it up under Sirius' chin.

Remus kneeled next to bed and next to Sirius, still holding up the bin underneath his chin. With his other hand he continued to rub Sirius' back, trying to calm him down.

“Shh, shh it's okay, let's wipe those away, huh?” He said, wiping the tears away underneath his eyes.

“I-i don't l-like i-it.” Sirius said as he started gagging.

“Oh, I know, I know, you don't.” He said, caressing a finger over Sirius' cheek. Only thing he could bring up was just the water he drank earlier.

“Feeling better?” He shook his head and tears started to collect in his eyes again. “I know you feel bad and like you're gonna be sick, I know. But I really need you not to work yourself up, okay? Can you do that, Angel?”

Sirius tried to calm down, he really tried, but he felt so horrible, and his head throbbed more than before, he felt really hot, but he was freezing cold at the same time. Everything felt kind of distant, and he wasn't really sure what was going on.

“Good, so good.” Remus praised as Sirius' breathing got less heavy and his tears started to slow down. “Anything gonna come up any more?”

After a moment, he shook his head and Remus lifted the bin next to the bed. “I'm gonna leave it here if you get sick again, okay?”

Remus climbed back in bed, and Sirius snuggled back close to Remus and rested his head on remus' chest. Remus pulled both of the blankets on top of the shivering boy, he wasn't sure if it was because he was cold or if his body was just so exhausted from all the sickness.

“Before you doze off, can you tell me where it hurts, baby?” He asked, petting Sirius' hair, trying to card through them. After a moment, Sirius finally answered.

"M'head, and stomach.” He whispered, new tears collecting in his eyes. “And throat.”

“Oh, poor baby.” Remus said, kissing his too hot forehead. “Let's tie your hair back, okay?” He asked and Sirius lifted his other hand, where he kept his hair ties and Remus slipped one of them off and Sirius hand fell back where it was, too tired to hold it up any more.

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