just a joke

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Tw: just a few curse words

“You hate me now too, don't you?”  He asked, when James sat down on the armchair next to the couch he was sitting on, his knees tucked up to his chest and arms wrapped around them.

“No one hates you, pads.” James said, nudging his glasses up. He had been visiting Remus with Peter, although the latter was gone by now.

“Moony does, Peter doesn't talk to me, and you have no reason not to hate me.” He said, wrapping his arms tighter around his legs. “Oh, and nobody is looking at me because they heard of me and Remus fighting.”

“They don't hate you.” James said. “They're just confused and disappointed, me especially. Sirius, nobody understands why, not me, not Remus and no one else, except you.”

“I don't understand.”

“Who is supposed to understand if you don't. You don't make any sense.” He said, running his hand through his hair, clearly getting frustrated with him and Sirius just wanted to go away, he wanted to lock himself up in their dorm and be alone and forget what had happened.

“When have I ever made sense?”

“For fuck's sake Sirius, why can't you take something seriously for once in your lifetime. You can't joke about everything, you just can't. What the fuck is wrong with you.” James got up, going off somewhere, he didn't know where, and he didn't really want to know.

He breathed out, hitting his head on his knees and letting a few tears escape. What the fuck was he supposed to do now. He didn't know. If he could, he would go and talk with Remus, but that was definitely the last thing he would want, to see Sirius. So, he didn't, he just stayed there.

Remus was let out of the hospital wing a couple of days later. Remus had barely looked at him since then, and definitely hadn't said a word. He wasn't sure if he was happy that they didn't talk or heartbroken. Happy because he didn't have to hear how much he had hurt the boy or what Remus thought about him. Heartbroken because it was Remus, he didn't know how to be without him, not anymore.

He had been having a lot of nightmares in the past couple of weeks, more than usually, almost every night. He wasn't getting much sleep as he was too afraid to close his eyes, too afraid to see all those images of Remus dying during that night, or hurting his friends or the memories. But every night his eyes were forced to shut at some point, too exhausted and tired to be awake. Only to wake up a couple of hours later.

But this time he didn't wake up to his own tossing and turning or crying, he woke up to someone comforting him. Someone's who he'd recognize anytime, those gentle and warm touches that went along his side. He was sure he was imagining, just having another dream.

He opened his eyes, seeing Remus sitting on the floor next to his bed, gently trying to get him back to sleep, like he had always done. “It's okay, just go back to sleep.” He whispered, softly. “You're gonna be alright, nothing will happen, just close your eyes.”

He couldn't believe this, why was Remus there, why was he being nice and doing this. Sirius couldn't understand, but he felt safe, for the first time in a couple of weeks. Although the moment was over when he closed his eyes. But he could still feel Remus there, before he fell back to sleep.

In the morning when he woke up, he was sure it was just a dream, something he hoped would've happened, but it didn't.  He sat up, realizing that the curtain around his bed was a little drawn back, even though he was sure he had closed it the night before. You're just going crazy, shut up. He thought, getting up from bed and starting to get ready for his classes. He was alone in his dorm, meaning he was already late, for breakfast at least.

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