when I... (part 2)

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TW: the same ones as in part 1, I think?

I know I said I don't have time to write, but here we are anyway, I hope you like it :)

What had meant to be a few days turned into a few weeks. After the few days that he was meant to be discharged home, he wasn't. Instead of being discharged, he was admitted to a psych ward, as they thought he wasn't stable enough to be discharged yet.

And Sirius agreed in a way, he knew he wasn't in a good place right now, and being home probably wouldn't be a good idea. But he wanted to be at home so desperately, even though somewhere in the back of his mind he knew it's not a good idea.

When he was alone again in the dull hospital room, he called Remus, who still thought he was going to be able to come home tomorrow. “Hi, love.” Remus answered, he sounded like he was smiling, and Sirius already felt bad for what he was about to tell him.

“Hi.” He whispered. “I-I'm not coming home tomorrow.” He said after a few moments of silence, playing with the bandage on his arm that was holding the phone, even though he probably wasn't supposed to do that.

“Oh.” Sirius heard some shuffling around, before it got quieter in the background, most likely Remus going to a different room than where he was when Sirius called. “Why? What happened?” He asked, he sounded calm and not annoyed or upset like Sirius had thought.

“They think I'm not stable enough to go home yet.” He said quietly, trying to hold back the tears, waiting for Remus to be mad at him, even though he shouldn't have a reason to. “I'm sorry.”

“No, don't be, love. It's not your fault, it takes time, yeah?” He said, and Sirius nodded, not realizing Remus wouldn't be able to see. “How are you feeling, baby?” He asked when Sirius didn't respond.

“I don't know.” He took a sharp breath in, and breathed out slowly. “I- I don't. I don't know, rem.”

“It's okay. No, no, don't cry. It's alright, I promise. I'm not mad, or upset, no one is.”

“W-what about Harry?” Sirius asked, trying to calm his breathing down, and wipe away the tears with his shaking hands. “He thought I'd -”

“I know, baby, I know. It'll be alright, I'll explain it to him, yeah? Don't worry about it.” Remus said, hoping Sirius wouldn't work himself to the point of having a panic attack because Remus didn't really want him to be alone for that and being on the phone wouldn't be enough. “Right now you gotta calm down though, at least a bit, don't have to worry about anything, okay?”

“O-okay.” It took some time for Sirius to calm down, but eventually, he did. “H-how is he?” Sirius asked, once he was more calmed down.

“He's okay? I don't really know, he doesn't talk a lot.” Remus said, but it wasn't really unusual for Harry to be quiet so Remus didn't worry too much about it. “He refuses to sleep alone, though.”

“He's probably scared.” Sirius whispered quietly. “Scared that you're gonna go away too.” He explained, knowing because Harry did that whenever one of them was somewhere else for a night, and the other was home. Usually, it was Remus because he had work trips sometimes, and Harry didn't really understand why Moony had to go away for a few nights for work.

“Oh, of course.” Remus said, realizing what was happening, he had forgotten that habit of Harry's in all this.

“Gotta go soon, sorry.” He said, after glancing at the clock on the wall. “I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.” He whispered. “Talk to you soon, yeah?”

“Um, yeah. Bye.”


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