Make you feel better

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AU: Where wolfstar raises harry, modern, kinda non magical


Sirius was home alone with Harry, when Remus was at work, like Every single morning. He usually slept when Remus left, until he heard Harry waking up, or the little boy wandered to their room. Not always, if they had somewhere to go, he set an alarm, so he would actually wake up.

It was only a little over nine when Sirius woke up to faint cries coming from Harry's bedroom. He got up, swaying on his feet, just realizing the headache that was about to come. He quickly pulled on a jumper while walking to the room next to theirs.

“What's up, little one?” He asked as he opened the door and walked over to the bed. Harry just continued crying and reached for Sirius, who sat down on the bed and pulled the boy to his lap. “What's got you so upset, huh?”

“M-my tummy.” He whispered between sobs, looking up at Sirius, who wiped tears from his face, feeling his forehead as well, he was a little warm. “Icky.” He mumbled, resting his head on Sirius' chest.

“I know baby, let's get some food and medicine in you, yeah? Make you feel all better.” Sirius smiled, getting up with Harry still in his arms, trying not to jostle the boy too much. They walked downstairs and Sirius sat him down on the counter, taking some paper and wiping the rest of the tears from his face.

“What do you want cub?” He asked, looking at Harry, who shook his head, leaving Sirius confused. His headache definitely hadn't got better, and he was just hoping he hadn't caught anything.

“Not feeling good, huh?” He asked, brushing hair out of his face. Harry shook his head, new tears collecting in his eyes. “Shh, shh, no need to cry, baby, it's okay.”

“Let's get some medicine for you, yeah?” He said, picking the boy up once more and walking them to the bathroom and sitting him down on the counter. He went through their medicine cabinet, finding some painkillers for himself, but nothing for harry. “Oh I'm sorry, baby, we don't have any, I'll tell Moony to pick something up when he comes home.” He said with a small frown. Harry whined, looking up at him.

“What's the matter? Gonna be sick?” He asked, hoping he was wrong because he definitely didn't do well with it, Harry nodded and Sirius lifted him on the floor, and got him situated In front of the toilet.

He sat behind the boy as he started to gag, small tears escaping his eyes. “Don't like it.” He whined, not wanting to throw up.

“I know cub, I know.” Sirius soothed, rubbing his back. “Let it out, and you'll feel much better, yeah?”

“It's okay, everything's alright.” He whispered as the little boy threw up. He continued to rub his back until Harry turned away and started crying harder in Sirius' arms. “All done?” He asked and Harry nodded. “You feel a little better now, don't you?” He whispered, kissing his forehead and wiping tears out of his face.

“Cold.” He mumbled through a shiver, pressing closer to Sirius. It's probably his fever, Sirius thought as he got up from the floor with Harry in his arms. Flushing the toilet and taking a tissue, wiping Harry's tears and the corners of his mouth. “Let's get you all comfy and warm on the couch, sound good, baby?” He said, walking them to the living room and laying Harry down on the couch, pulling a soft blanket over him.

“I'll be right back, baby.” He smiled. He walked back to the bathroom, rubbing his temples and taking a couple of the painkillers and taking them with water. He found a bucket if Harry would get sick again. He went to the kitchen, taking two bottles of water before walking back to their small living room, setting the bucket beside the couch In front of harry.

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