Chapter 2 : We Need To Talk

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The men all point their guns at her, beginning to slow down when they get closer and instead creep towards her carefully. "Alright? Uhm I'm a bit lost, could you tell me where I am?" Luna chuckles nervously. This laugh was nothing like the one she had last night, this was a frightened laugh of confusion. The men surround her, being cautious and careful. "Just a town name or maybe even a street name?" Luna says, attempting to get an answer while also keeping herself calm. The men don't respond to her questions, "Unless you can't understand me?" Luna tilts her head, wondering if they just didn't hear her or something as such.

"Get on your knees!" One man jerks his gun at her, trying to intimidate her more. Luna jumps at the sudden yell, but she obliged to what he said. "Oh uhm right okay, of course" Luna begins to crouch down, looking around at all of the men surrounding her. "Whatever I've supposed to have done, I'm sorry. I have these black outs and I don't remember anything." One of her knees finds the ground as she speaks while she still tries to make light of the moment. "Sleep walking in the middle of nowhere, crazy right?" Luna says, hoping that whatever this was would not be as bad as it seemed to be.

"Don't move!" Another man shouts at her as she now sits on her knees. This causes Luna to stop looking around her and instead looks to the ground. What was happening is a mystery to her, but regardless, she asks no more questions, instead, she sits still on her knees in fear and confusion. Some of the men whisper to one another. Luna tries to pick up what they were saying, but she's interrupted by a voice.

"Let me deal with them, Luna" a voice in her head speaks to her. It sounds just like her, except the voice lacked her British accent and way of speaking. Luna is frightened, confused and overwhelmed by both emotions. "What?" She asks the voice. As soon as the word slips her mouth, the men focus back on her. "Who are you talking to?" One of them asks her, finger on the trigger and seeming ready to shoot. "Quickly, let me take them out. It's the only way you're going to get out of this." The voice adds almost as if it knew what was going to occur. Luna was oblivious. "I-I don't understand, what's happening?" She asks not just the voice, but the men as well. She is completely baffled and overwhelmed, she just wanted an answer.

Luna can hear the voice in her head groan in what sounded like annoyance before everything went to black.

After what felt like seconds, Luna is able to see everything again, but this time she is standing with her fists clenched. It takes a moment for her to comprehend and when she realizes what she was seeing now versus the seconds prior, she looks around. Nobody stood in front of her, but when she looked to the ground, she saw where the men went. "Oh boy, did I do this?" Luna lifts her foot after seeing the body of a man laying too close to her for comfort. "No, of course you didn't and really? You come back now?" The voice seems annoyed with Luna, but she doesn't question it. She'd rather get herself out of the situation and go home. "Well you can't blame me, I don't even know what's happening" Luna says, looking in front of her to focus on the voice.

People dressed in the same uniforms as the men below her look in Luna's direction. More fear is struck in her before the voice speaks up again. "You need to run, now" it says. With no other options than to trust this voice, she complies, running in the opposite direction of where she was once facing.

Popping sounds emit from somewhere behind her. At first, she is unsure as to what it was, but after seeing holes appear in the ground and objects around her, she knows she was being shot at. "Why are they shooting!? Why at me?! All I want is to go home!" Luna pants, running as fast as she could, though not very fast due to her inactivity.

Still at a decent speed, she's slowly able to get away. "Am I dreaming?! I swear if the voice in my head is up to something dodgy, I'm not gonna lose the plot!" Luna yelps when one bullet gets too close to her. "Just run and shut up" The voice tells her. Eventually, Luna is losing her breath, unable to keep up her previous pace. Lucky for her, she reaches a corner and she turns it, able to momentarily hide and regain some energy.

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