Chapter 3 : I Am Crazy

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Her sigh echoes through her large bathroom. She's been sitting in her bath for much longer than usual. The lavender scented bubbles only remind her of her lover. Normally, she'd use the lavender bubbles for different thoughts of her girlfriend, but her reason now was for how much she missed her. The thought of her lover during this time was usually.. more desirable to say the least, but now it was concerning. Sam can't help but constantly think about it.

Before she can keep hesitating when she wants to leave her bathtub, she can hear a faint sound. Ringing.. from her phone. Just as fast as a human can blink, Sam leaps out of her tub and wraps a towel around her body. Not bothering to dry herself off first, she finds her phone vibrating on the kitchen counter. She deeply hopes that this was who she has been wishing for it to be these past two days.

"Lunes" the screen read. Sam could've cracked her phone with how fast and aggressively she pressed the answer option.

"Babe, where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you for days! I've called, messaged, I even went to your place and you never answered" Sam quickly tells her, letting her slight annoyance slip from her mouth as well. The woman on the other end of the call matches the intensity that Sam spoke with. "I'm so sorry! Something came up! Could you come to mine? I need you" Luna quickly allows her words to slip out as well as her lover's. "Okay?" Sam is confused and concerned, but she wants to be there for her lover, so she won't ask questions just yet.

"Please get here right away" She can hear Luna's slightly shaking voice on the other end, further pushing her to be even faster when trying to come over. "Well at least let me get changed first" She says, making a small joke in hopes it'd make the moment lighter. "Oh, you weren't.. you know.." Luna trails off, not wanting to be specific. "I didn't interrupt.." she continues, still not describing or saying what she was thinking of. She didn't need to for Sam to know. With a small laugh, she nods. "No no, you didn't. I'll be at yours in fifteen, bye" she says, quickly hanging up before Luna can say anything.

Fifteen Minutes Later..

The door is familiar to the girl and she wastes no time knocking on it. Immediately, the door opens, revealing Luna. Before she gets to say anything, she's pulled into a hug until she's then grabbed by her wrists and pulled inside, like most times when she comes over. This time, however, it was different. "Thanks for coming, look I need you to see something." Luna starts, letting go of her wrists and walking deeper into the apartment. "Well, I guess that depends on if you can see it really" Luna stops and turns, looking down in thought and concern, and most certainly with confusion.

"Calm down, Lunes, what's up?" Sam asks, taking her lover by her shoulders to keep her from moving any further and to gain her focus. "Well, I know this is gonna sound absolutely ridiculous, but something has happened and I need to make sure if I am crazy or not." Luna nervously looks over at her lover. Sam laughs a little, warmly smiling at her. "Of course you're not crazy, babe" she says, very sure of her statement. "Trust me," Luna shakes her head and looks down at the carpet.

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