Chapter 5 : You Need To Get Me Out!

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"You are a liar, she does love me. My mom loves me" Luna crosses her arms again, becoming more annoyed and telling her what she knew.

Charlie snaps. "No she doesn't!" She shouts.

Everything around them stops. Their argument ceases and Luna is stunned, her arms dropping to her sides. Not only was she stunned, but she was very hurt and most certainly confused.

Charlie looks at her with wide eyes, now wearing a look of regret. "I-I shouldn't have said that" She says, hoping that she would just forget what was said. Luna struggles to process her alt's words, becoming more emotional than before. "You're lying... You're just trying to hurt me" she murmurs shakily, taking a slow step back. In return, Charlie steps closer.

"No I'm not, I'm not trying to hurt you" Charlie softens her voice, stepping closer to Luna, now very noticeably regretting telling her what she had said. "Yeah you are, you're just trying to hurt me. She loves me. Of course she does. My mom loves me" Luna steps back again, speaking in a way that sounds like she was just trying to convince her alt into believing her. Charlie walks towards her while Luna slowly walks backwards.

Charlie practically pleads with Luna now. "Wait, just listen to me..." She begins, wishing she could make this right. "No, no. I-I I'm not having this. No" Luna shakes her head. Just as suddenly as she had been deeply hurt by Charlie's words, her vision blurs. Only a few seconds pass until her world fades to black.

Luna opens her eyes. The same white room as before is in front of her. She's back in the hospital room, strapped into place by every limb in the bed with the metal frame. "Wonderful..." She sighs, not in the mood to even try finding the light in her current situation.

The sun is still shining as the car pulls up to the psychiatric hospital. The car parks in front of the building, seemingly to be in a slight rush.

Sam walks up to the front desk. "Hey I'm looking for someone, I was supposed to pick them up after calling me but she hasn't yet and I'm worried" The receptionist looks up at the woman in front of her. "What is her name?" She asks, placing her hands on the keyboard. "Luna Loud" Sam replies, hoping for the best, thinking that it may have been that her girlfriend's phone died or that she had messed up and showed up at the wrong hospital. The receptionist has a certain expression on her face, showing that she didn't think about that name in a well manner.

"Oh her, sorry she's been sectioned here" the lady in the chair seems dead, she's cold or just emotionless as she speaks to her. Sam's eyes widened. Shocked and upset, she asks the lady another question. "What!? Well, can I see her?!" She asks the lady. "Unfortunately no" The receptionist says, deadpanned as she gazes at Sam. This upsets her greatly. "I want to see Luna. I don't know why she's been sectioned but I want to see her, now" Sam states firmly, not taking "no" for an answer. The receptionist looks at her for a moment, then sighs. "Okay, one second" she says as she snatches her phone off the side and dials in some numbers.

Luna tugs on her restraints, trying to weasel and slip her way out of them or to possibly break them, but to no avail. After becoming tired of just struggling in silence, she looks at the door, hoping somebody would hear her and come in. "Hello?" With great worry, she calls out to anybody. She waits for any sort of response. A shout, a knock, somebody to walk in, any sort of reply would make her at least feel less alone. Not much more than a minute later, she can hear voices outside her door. This comforts her slightly, making her feel less lonely in her situation. Before long, the door opens and three men enter the room.

Luna eyes them all, worried about if they would drug her again. "Keep calm, we're taking you to see the Psychiatrist" One man says.This causes a wave of relief to come over Luna. "Oh that's great, I'm chuffed" She sighs. Suddenly, her arms are freed from the bed, then her ankles. She sits up and looks at her wrists. Taking a deep breath out, she is relieved. Looking back up at the men, she looks at one that was hiding behind the one in front of her. He seemed to be attempting to drive attention away from himself, but it didn't work. He holds a straitjacket in his hands. "Wait, I-I don't need that" Luna leans back slightly as she wants to be farther from the men. "It's for your own protection, don't make this difficult" The man holding the jacket says, the other two coming closer and beginning to reach for her. She leans back even further, now trying to scoot back. "No you know what? I think I'm good, could you arrange a visit here so then I don't have to put that on?" She asks, desperately trying to not put on the jacket. The men become more firm with her. "You don't have a choice Another man responds.

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