Chapter 15 : Pardon My Language

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Charlie and Luna walk down multiple crowded hallways within the hospital. The pair pass multiple people as they wander down further. Luna looks around, uncomfortable by the sights. It reminded her of when she was being abused by Harrow and his followers.  "I hate hospitals, I never want to see one ever again" Luna says uncomfortably. Charlie nods and looks around for something, peering through each hallway until she continues walking.

"So when exactly are we?" Luna asks as her alt leads the way. "We are in a memory that takes place a few months ago" Charlie says, seeming more distracted by trying to find whatever she was searching for given that they have gotten through the hardest stuff already. "Right" Luna nods and thinks for a moment. "Wait, my black outs got worse over the last few months" Luna recalls, watching Charlie scan another hallway. "Yeah, this memory made me come out more frequently" Despite her focused searching, she still listens to Luna and responds. Luna nods as they walk.

The pair walk a few more feet and Charlie freezes, making Luna stop beside her. Not understanding what was happening, she glances at Charlie and realizes where she was staring ahead. Luna turns back to the hallway and spots what she was looking at as well.

Past Luna is sitting down at the end of the hallway in a chair. The pair walked towards her, taking their time as one of them wondered what would happen next. The two stop a few feet away from past Luna. As they look at Luna's past self waits with concern, her leg bouncing out her habits formed from her slight anxiety. Charlie glances at Luna beside her, seeming to be in thought, until looking back at her past self.

A nurse exits the door, causing past Luna to immediately shoot up from her seat. "How is she, nurse? Is my mom alright?" Past Luna asks the woman. The nurse bows her head and sighs.

"I'm sorry... She didn't make it" The nurse breaks the news to her, then walks away to continue whatever other work she had and leaving past Luna to crumble. Luna initially stood there in shock, still trying to make the words render in her mind. Eventually, the reality hits her, the news finally processed. Charlie and Luna watch in sadness as her past self begins to sob, looking to the ground as she sheds her tears.

The pair walk closer to her past self as she becomes weak in the knees, causing her to collapse with mental pain. Past Luna breaks down, sobbing quietly, but hardly. Luna continues coming forward, then crouches down to view herself. Past Luna breathes heavily. Suddenly, as she wipes her tears, her eyes roll back for a few seconds and she tilts her head before they return to normal. Past Luna has now stopped crying.

Past Luna looks around in confusion. "What? How did I?" She begins to ask the air, pausing as she continues gazing around and noticing details that told her where she was. Luna watches herself, confused by the sudden change of behavior and lack of tears, as her past self stands and reaches into her pocket. Without dialing a number or pressing any buttons, she holds her phone up to her ear.

"Hey mom, you alright?" Past Luna asks nobody. Luna comes to a hurtful, but truthful realization. She closes her eyes as she listens to her past self speak. "You aren't gonna believe this but I blacked out again and I'm now in a hospital. I'm not in a hospital bed or anything, just in one of the hallways. My mind must have been visiting someone" Past Luna smiles, beginning to walk away so she could find her way out of the building as she spoke to the phone with nobody truly on the other side. She chuckles at the last line of her sentence. "The last thing I remember was getting pretty pissed last night at a bar and going home with a massive headache, pardon my language" Past Luna passes both women as she laughs and talks to who she thought she was speaking to. Luna opens her eyes and stands up again with Charlie next to her.

"So every time I thought I was on the phone to mom... I wasn't. I was just imagining her on the other end." Luna sighs, piecing together what had obviously occurred in front of them. Charlie nods at her to confirm. The two watch as past Luna turns the corner with a laugh. "I made you think you were hearing her... She made you so happy. So whenever something happened like your mom falling in and going to hospital, I would just wipe it out of your mind... And when she passed away... You were so hurt and upset. All your happiness was gone and I couldn't have you feel like that, that's not you" Charlie sighs and stares at the floor, upset to be explaining the truth to Luna.

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