Chapter 19 : The Best Of Us

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Charlie scans the desert, quickly and desperately searching for the women turned to stone. She breathes heavily, gasping for air as she glances around worriedly. Then, she spots them. Not too far away from where she was standing, laid the frozen statues of Luna and the other, unnamed alt. As soon as she spots them from afar, she breaks into a harsh run, her legs burning from how fast she was going.

Slowing down as she approaches, she becomes slower, then she falls to her knees in front of the two frozen women, staring at their faces with concern. Sadly, she gazes at their terrified faces. "You two don't look so great" Charlie lets out a little laugh.

"You know, I couldn't go on without you two. I could have. I could have had everything I ever wanted. But, it didn't feel right" Charlie sighs. She pauses, the statues not moving or responding before she continues. "It was too quiet, way too quiet without your British voice telling me off or complaining" Charlie says softly, looking at Luna's face as she laughs slightly. She looks at the other alt. "It was quiet without you too" She says quietly, her voice cracking. "I spent my whole life protecting you and these past few days I've failed. I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Tears fill her eyes as she gazes at Luna again. "I may be the tough one who doesn't take any shit but you Luna, are the kindest, most caring person I've ever known. You are pure and the best of us. You are the best of us Luna" Charlie whimpers as she begins to cry. She sheds her tears, thinking about what to admit to the stones next. Looking at their frozen bodies, she slowly raises a hand.

Charlie places a hand in Luna's, then she reaches out to the other alt and places her next available hand on her face. "Being a part of you two has been the greatest thing anyone could wish for" Charlie says, bowing her head and shutting her eyes. She sobs with her hands occupied and her knees sunk slightly into the sandy ground. She sniffles, looking back up at the two and hating to see their terrified and upset faces. Suddenly, Charlie feels something as she touches the two girls. She looks down to find out what she was feeling.

The hard stone starts fading from Luna's hand, making Charlie jump in shock, yet joy. She notices the other alt's hand unfreezing as well. The stone slips away further up on their body, slowly stripping them of their frozen pause on the desert sand while Charlie watches in pure shock. Luna and the alt gasp now unfrozen and without stone on their bodies. Their hearts are now one with each other.

Charlie laughs happily as Luna and the alt look at one another in amazement and joy. "You came back for us?!" Luna asks with an overjoyed smile. "Of course I did, I couldn't go on without you both! I couldn't leave you both behind, no matter what I am offered or given by any god in any Universe" Charlie nods rapidly, making Luna laugh. Luna and Charlie laugh, the other alt smiling at them. Out of her sheer and unimaginable joy, Charlie pulls the two girls in, hugging Luna tight and still trying to be more gentle with the other alt. The other alt now laughs as well.

The three laugh together, shedding tears from their overwhelming happiness and joy.

Charlie's eyes shoot open. She slowly gets herself off the ground, shaking off the weariness she had from when she had been struck last. "You there?" Charlie smiles as she looks up. "We're right here mate" Luna switches in and answers her alt. Charlie switches back, then spots Khonshu appearing in front of her. "How bad are things?" She asks the god. "It's not looking good, Harrow and Ammit have just made it out of the pyramid and are about to unleash hell. We need a plan and fast" He sighs, fully fading into sight in front of her. "Well what do we do? Ammit is strong and Harrow will be a lot stronger than before" Charlie says, wiping the dust and sand off of her clothing.

"We will have some back up this time. Ammit will not succeed. Putting her away will be a pleasure" Khonshu nods at her. "Yeah and we have a score to settle with that asshole" Charlie huffs as she thinks of Harrow. Luna switches in after her. "But what do we do? We need a plan otherwise, we're buggered"

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