Chapter 4 : My Name Is Khonshu

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Drowsily, she lifts her head up, trying to look around. Everything is plain white, making everything harder to see through her blurry vision. It's a difficult task to make out the objects around her, so she lets her eyes adjust for a moment. Once her eyes slowly come into focus, she finally allows herself to acknowledge and note everything.

She's in a plain white room with a frosted window. There's a door across a window in the room she's in and the bed she lays on bears a metal bed frame. The room was small, it looked like a hospital bedroom.

Luna tries to lift her arms, but she can't. She tries the other arm, then her legs, but to no avail. Luna looks down at her limbs, trying to figure out what was happening. "What the??" She tries the restraints again, moving her limbs in an attempt to break them or struggle and slip out of them. "Hello? Excuse me, could anyone help me?" Luna calls out and asks in fright, but still with her polite words.

Tugging harder on the straps restricting her movement, she tries to get help again. "Hello, is anyone out there? I really don't like this!" Luna yells out to anybody who would hear her, hoping somebody could. The knob turns, two men walking in and giving her a small sense of relief, only for it to turn back into fear when they get closer. "Could you gents please take these off? It's just, they hurt and I know that I sounded crazy back there but I just really need to speak with the doc" Luna attempts to lighten the mood, mostly for her own sake, but her fright only grows when the men don't respond. The two get closer, and she starts squirming in frustration. She knows that this isn't getting anywhere as one of them reaches for her. One holds her down while the other pulls out a syringe again.

"No, no wait no!" She struggles in his grasp as the other comes closer. Again, just like before, a needle is stuck into her neck, injecting the drugs into her system. She struggles for a few more moments, but soon she slips into slumber again.

Yet again, she tries to move her arms again, having just woken up from passing out. This time, however, she successfully moves her limbs. She realizes.. she isn't in the hospital bed anymore. She opens her eyes and finds that they aren't blurry like the last time. Pushing herself up and standing, she examines the area. An empty, endless corridor with doors on either side. Before she can question anything as she turns around, she jumps backwards from what she turned to. A person.

"Whoa, hello there!" Luna says, her heart beating fast still. "You scared the life outta me" she tries to calm herself down. The person seemed slightly startled by her reaction, but they quickly relaxed.

Luna takes a good look at this person. The person looks exactly like her, only tougher or something, Luna couldn't really figure out what all was different aside from the way they stood. "W-Wait a minute, who are you?" She asks, now beginning to feel uncomfortable and thinking that this may turn into a nightmare. "I think you know who I am," the person who looked like her shrugs. The voice of this person is familiar. It takes a moment for Luna to render, but she ends up understanding and remembering. Her eyes widened.

"It's you, the voice in my head and in the mirror." Luna points at her twin, looking the person up and down, then at herself. "Bloody hell this is trippy" she says more softly.

"Okay firstly, yeah this is trippy. I don't understand what's going on and secondly, you don't have to look at me like I'm some object" The voice holds up a fist and sticks out her index finger as if she was telling Luna to pause and stop focusing on both of their looks. "Even though you've been talking to me like that" The voice turns away, seeming to be throwing shade at Luna.

Luna looks down, "Oh well, I'm sorry. It's just, I didn't know you'd be..." she hesitates, thinking of what word she would use to describe the voice. "Real? Yeah, I am" The voice says without waiting for her to figure out her sentence. The two look at one another, one in slight, uncaring confusion and the other confused out of their mind.

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