Chapter 11 : Our Only Hope

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Inhaling a big gulp of air, Luna gasps as her eyes open wide. She looks around as she lays on the ground. The corridors, she was back in this weird place of memories. Not thinking so much about where she was as she was familiar with it already, she focused on her previous thought. Urgently and quickly, she felt where she had been stabbed. There's no blood nor pain, making her calm down slightly, but worrying about her body still.

After looking up, she sees somebody walking towards her. Charlie stands in front of her, looking down to her face and extending a hand for her to grab. Luna accepts her alt's hand, then is helped up by her. "Are we... dead?" She asks. Charlie sighs and looks around. "I think so..." She says in defeat. "Although, I don't know why we're back here," Charlie admits. Luna nods. "Yeah I was hoping I wouldn't see this again. I hate it" Luna says. Charlie nods in agreement and looks at her. "What happens now? Is this it? Have we just lost?" Luna asks, hoping that they haven't. Charlie shrugs. "I don't know. Khonshu is imprisoned, we're dead and Harrow is about to unleash hell on Earth. Safe to say we have lost" She says, upset with herself for failing. "We can't just give up" Luna says even though she is unsure how they'll be able to fix everything. "So what do you propose we do, hm? We're dead, Khonshu is trapped and Ammit is about to be released. What can we do?! It's over" Charlie becomes more angry, extremely upset with what has happened as she crosses her arms. "It can't be. We're here which means we haven't reached the end of our journey" Charlie's face turns to confusion as she gazes at Luna.

Suddenly, a hippo slightly taller than them appears, making Luna jump. "What is it with you gods and popping up and scaring the bloody crap out of people?" Luna catches her breath. "Sorry about that! I usually meet people as soon as they die but things are crazy up there" Taweret says cheerfully, still being the giddy hippo she was. "I can imagine," Charlie says quietly. "I must admit, when I usually guide souls to the end of their journey. The setting isn't something as creepy as this. This for sure is a first for me. No matter!" Taweret looks around, seeing the endless white corridor that they were in. Charlie stands there confused as Luna speaks. "Wait, you're here to guide us to the end?!" Luna asks in shock. "I am!" Taweret says. "What the hell is going on?!" Charlie jumps in between the two.

"This is Taweret, the goddess of life. She's here to guide us to the afterlife. We're currently on the bridge to the afterlife. To get to it, we have to finish our journey before we can get to the end where there's endless peacefulness and happiness" Luna explains as she looks at her alt. "Aha, so you are the smart one. Although, for you two my job is a bit different" Taweret smiles. "I'm sorry, am I going crazy now?" Charlie asks, unsure if she was just having a nightmare about a talking hippo god leading them to their afterlives. "Of course not mate, and what do you mean your job is different for us two?" Luna turns to Charlie and answers her, then back to the hippo god. "Well, you both are on the verge of passing to the afterlife. But things are really bad up there. If Harrow and Ammit succeed, not only will all life on Earth be affected but the afterlife will be attacked too. This will cause a massive balance shift and it will be a lot worse than what we once thought. I've been sent to retrieve you both by the other gods to stop them. You two are the world's only hope now" Taweret explains, this being the first time she had ever seemed to be upset at anything as she spoke.

"Great so we can go back! Let's go!" Charlie smirks. "Hold on now, I'm afraid it's not that simple" Taweret pauses the alt. Charlie sighs. "Of course it isn't, it never is" She murmurs. "Unfortunately, you both are unbalanced in the scales of life" The hippo says. "What does that mean?" Charlie asks, completely baffled about what she was saying. "Well in terms of our situation, we wouldn't be able to cross to the afterlife unless we balance our life with our hearts" Luna explains to her alt. The hippo nods. "Exactly, if your hearts don't balance in time then you both will be taken to an endless void of nothingness and emptiness. Balance your hearts and you get to go on into the afterlife" Taweret explains. Charlie nods to the nod. "Okay so what about going back?" She asks.

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