Chapter 16 : Not This Much

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Every so often, the ground below them rumbles, shaking the objects and everybody around. The sky grows darker, turning into a purple glow emitting down onto the earth. Civilians gaze at the sky, staring at it with horror, confusion and worry.

The car speeds through the sand, making their way back to the big pyramid in their rental car again.

Luna switched in and glanced outside the windows. "I love purple, but not this much" She states, seeing the cursed sky above. Sam smiled a little as Charlie switched back in. "That reminds me, when all this shit is over with. Could you please move into somewhere a bit bigger? I've lost count how many times I tripped and fell on my ass" Charlie asks with a smile, not minding how she had fallen before and more interested in just moving rather than complaining as she probably would have a few hours ago. "As long as you don't bring any blokes with guns over, I'm sure we can arrange something" Luna says from the side view mirror. Charlie grins. "Good, you need a bigger place anyway" Charlie says, then slumping in her seat and tries to make herself comfortable before they have to run around again and such.

Sam smiles at the conversation, listening to them speak and silently feeling bad for her lover and her alt. She can't imagine how many times Charlie must have literally face planted and hurt herself from their cramped apartment.  "Why don't you move in with me Luna? My place is big enough for us both to live in" Sam suggests an idea she has had for awhile, but hadn't gotten to talk about due to her work life. Luna switches in, having heard her girlfriend's idea. "Really? I mean... I-I could if that's alright?" Luna says nervously, fidgeting with her hands. "Of course, baby" Sam smiles, knowing that she'll be daydreaming about this idea later, wondering what things they'll get to do before and after work and how much more time they'll have together when they live under the same roof.

Charlie switches back in. "I wouldn't be intruding would I?" She asks almost shyly. Sam shakes her head in response and to also focus her mind back on the conversation and her driving. "No way, I'd be more than happy to have Luna living with me and you too" Sam says, looking over at her lover's alt. Charlie smiles and nods, looking away and down at the car floor.

"You two have been together for a year, how come you two haven't moved in yet?" Charlie asks genuinely, but also jokingly to mess with Luna. Sam smiles while Luna switches back in. "Oh, well... It's uhm" She stutters nervously. She sighs and attempts to redirect the conversation, a blush spreading on her face. "Can we focus on the impending end of the world problem?" Luna says, then smiles at what she said after Sam giggles at her. "Now I sound Like you mate" Luna looks into the mirror and spots Charlie looking back at her from within. "You sure do," Charlie smiles in the side view mirror.

Putting their focus back to the problem at hand, they find themselves in front of the pyramid and Sam parks the car. Charlie and Sam hop out of the car and enter the pyramid hurriedly. Charlie leads them further into the building and down its hallway. The two sneak their way around in case anybody else was here. The two slowed down when they heard a voice. Sneaking next to the doorway, hiding on the sides out of view, they peek around into the big main room.

Harrow is talking to a giant alligator next to him. Charlie glances over at Sam.  "That must be Ammit, we haven't got much time" She whispers, getting a nod from Sam as they watch Harrow drop to one knee in front of the god. "All the other gods have been imprisoned. No one can or will stop us" He says, a small shake in his voice as he bows before the alligator. "No one will stop me" Ammit glares at the man on the ground. Harrow nods rapidly. "Yes, of course" He agrees. "I am however impressed by everything you have told me so far. You will be perfect for my avatar for the time being" Ammit says, lifting her head to show her authority. "For the time being?" Harrow repeats and looks up at the god with concern. "Yes, I am not one for forming long term partnerships" Ammit smiles sinisterly. Harrow's expression becomes worried as the god continues.

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