Chapter 8 : And Death Comes Upon All...

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"I'm not sure about this." Luna says as she lays in bed. The reflection of Charlie gazes at her. "It's the only way Luna. Come on" Charlie states seriously. Luna hesitates again. "What if it goes wrong?" She asks unsurely. Charlie becomes fed up with Luna's hesitation and stalling. "It won't. Look, do you want me to take over and do this shit?" Charlie asks with slight aggression. "No chance" Luna says, uncomfortable from her alt's response. "Well then, let's go" Charlie says, waiting patiently. Luna sighs, still staying in place on the bed. Clearly, she was still very uncertain of herself. Charlie sighs after not getting any response. "Okay, listen to me. I promise that when I get you out of here and we go see Khonshu. I will let you talk to him and make a new deal. Whatever you want, I swear. You want to remove the whole Moon Knight stuff, he can do that. You want to get rid of me? I'm sure he can figure out a way to make that happen" Charlie slowly convinces and helps Luna, risking her own deal just so she would just listen. For a few moments, Luna thinks, but then she nods. "Alright, that's a deal" Luna says, more confident and willing to go through with the plan.

"Great, so what's happening now?" Charlie asks, trying to help her make the next decision. Luna thinks for a moment, remembering the plan they discussed. "You can take over" Luna says before her eyes roll back, Charlie coming out as a reaction.

Charlie stands up quickly, then stands in front of the cheap bed. "Hey, I need some help! Someone!" She shouts, then quickly makes her way behind where the door would be. The door opens, effectively hiding her behind it as two men enter. Quickly and quietly, she comes up behind the men and takes them out with only her legs. Charlie dashes out of the room, leaving the men unconscious on the ground. Looking all around and scanning the hallways, she runs down another corridor. Some staff members near the hallway spot her, then they immediately make their way towards her. The men try to take Charlie out, but she manages to defeat them as well. Before she's able to keep running, more staff turn the corner and see her. They charge at her, landing many hits. Charlie struggles without the use of her arms or her powers which causes the staff to beat her to the ground. For a moment, she's still being hit, but the staff members around her are being beaten by somebody she couldn't see. After all of the people around her are defeated, she's able to see who had saved her.

Sam takes out more arriving staff with ease. Charlie is amazed at the sight. After the last staff member goes down, she quickly finds her way to her. "Hey, babe" she says as she unbuckles the straitjacket. Charlie awkwardly looks away. "It's uh, me" Charlie says, her voice and accent being all that Sam needed to understand what she meant. "Oh, sorry. I thought it was... Never mind" Sam continues to undo her restraints. Charlie looks back at her, watching as she works. "How did you get here?" Charlie asks, curious on how she could've gotten past all of the other staff, especially after what happened the last time she came in the building. "Well I took some clothes that the staff wears and I swiped some keys" Sam says, finishing up with the final buckle. As soon as the jacket is undone, they both quickly get it off of her. Sam stands as Charlie stretches her arms, a few small popping sounds coming from her joints from being held in place for so long. "You reckon you can take them out?" Sam holds out a hand to the alt. Charlie takes the hand and allows Sam to pull her up. "I've been waiting too ever since I got here" Charlie says.

The pair continue to run through the hospital, Sam leading the way since she knew where to go. The two ran into a few more groups of staff, but they were such a good team that it was a breeze when brushing past them. Eventually, they find themselves outside, making a run for Sam's car. "Who taught you to fight so well?" Charlie asks as they run. "I took self defense and karate classes when I was younger for my own protection" Sam admits as they run. Charlie nods. "Luna would be impressed" Charlie says, causing Sam to smile. The two reach the car and they fling the doors open, trying to get away as quickly as possible. As fast as they got in, Sam sped away from the hospital.

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