Chapter 18 : Avatar?

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Sam watches on as Charlie leaps in the air at Ammit. Ammit spots Charlie out of the corner of her eye, then turns and swipes at the woman and knocks her down fast before she can reach her at all. Sam gasps and watches in horror. Charlie lands with a loud crash, rolling a few times until she stops on her side, making Sam wince and then become shaky with concern. Ammit stares at the helpless and unconscious woman on the ground. "What a pathetic and weak avatar" The alligator says. Ammit stares at Charlie's body for a moment, then walks up to her. After reaching her, she touches the girl's forehead. Harrow stands before Ammit turns to him.

"They won't bother us now" She says, walking towards him. "They'll be back" He says, knowing of their skill and abilities of coming back to stop him. "Well by then, it'll be too late. Now, let's give you a little boost" Ammit tilts her head and lifts one of her hands and points it at Harrow and his staff. The man's staff begins to glow with purple energy, making the alligator grin, Harrow smiling sinisterly as well. "Let's go, we have work to do," Ammit says, leading the way out of the room. The pair leave the room, and after a few moments, she's in the clear.

Sam dashes and hurries over to Charlie's body as quick as she could. She drops to her knees the second she's close. She sobs to herself. "Please, don't die... I need you Luna. Come back to me, please" Sam cries and sniffles as she takes the unconscious woman's hand. There's no response in the quiet room.

All of a sudden, Khonshu appears beside Sam and Luna's body. "We need to stop them" He states to the sobbing blonde haired woman. Sam shakes her head and stays put next to her one and only. "I'm not leaving her. If Ammit is about to destroy all of life then so be it. I want to do it by her side" Sam cries, holding her girlfriend's hand closer. "Sam, we can save them. We can save Luna but we need some help to do so" Khonshu tells her seriously. Sam looks up immediately when she hears the news. "How? Can you do it?" She asks desperately. "No, but Taweret can. She has been imprisoned. But she is the goddess of life. If anyone can save them from whatever Ammit has done to them, she can" Khonshu says, pointing his staff down the previous room they were in. Sam glances down at Luna, taking in her wounded body and wishing for her to come back and be safe. She couldn't go on without Luna, never in all of history and time could she continue on without her girlfriend being here with her. Sam looks back up at the bird god.

"Okay, so what do we do?" Sam asks, becoming serious as she wipes her tears. "We free Taweret and then she'll save them. But we must hurry" He nods, setting his staff on the ground when he stops pointing. Sam stands, then nods with determination. Fueled with her love for Luna and her hate for the people who have hurt her, Sam rushes back into the side room showcasing the statues on the walls.

Charlie stares at the soothing sea in front of her. The water is nearly clear, almost glowing with its beautiful bright blue tint. The light sand is incredibly soft. There's no noise. No voices. Nobody. Just peacefulness.

Charlie sits in shock with her tears even when she notices something slowly fading in out of the corner of her eye.

"Hello again," Taweret says. Charlie doesn't say anything back to the positive hippo. Taweret looks around at their surroundings, her eyes widening as it is much different from when she had seen the woman previous times back in the unsettling corridors. "Wow it's very peaceful here" She smiles with a tilt of her head before looking back at the shorter girl. Charlie nods slowly as she stares at the calming sea. "Have you been freed?" Charlie looks over at her and asks. "No, not yet. I am one of few lucky gods to still be able to appear in spirit form. I'm not as strong but I'm still able to carry out some of my duties" Taweret explains. Charlie nods as her response. "Ammit has the power to send anyone to an illusion. Not many gods have this power but it's a sneaky one. Ammit likes to use this illusion to trick others into giving them what they want" The hippo states, looking around at the scenery again and the objects around the woman. Charlie closes her eyes in realization. "We didn't agree to what she was offering. So... She made the choice for us. Ammit gave me my peace" She explains softly. "I'm sorry" The hippo says, losing her usual cheerfulness from the horrible situation. Charlie nods and sighs softly.

"It is beautiful here... And peaceful. You've always wanted peace" Taweret tries to find the light of the situation, attempting to look at the positives. "I know but not like this" Charlie shakes her head as she glances back to the pretty sea. "True... But now you have it" The hippo says, hoping to make her feel better. Charlie looks back at the hippo god. "Shouldn't you be saying that I need to get out of here. We need to stop Ammit and all that?" She asks, tilting her head in slight confusion. "Yeah I should be and... It's true. You do need to get out of here and stop Ammit for good" Taweret nods, Charlie nodding as she listens. "The thing is, I know you and what you have been through. You three have been through so much pain, especially you. You've longed for peace for so long and now you have it" Taweret looks down sadly. "I have and now that I do have it, I don't want it. I have to go back. I have to go back and get them. I have to save them" Charlie sighs.

"It's almost impossible to do so, especially now they have been frozen forever" Taweret looks at her with concern and sadness. "No, I-I can't live with it. With this... I don't care how impossible it is. Being given a chance of a peaceful life while they stay frozen forever? No I can't have that" Charlie says quickly, finding motivation to stand up out of the beach chair. The hippo nods slowly. "Good luck" Taweret wishes.

Charlie breaths in and out deeply, a few seconds in between every breath. "I'm coming... I'm coming for you both" Silence takes over the bright and sunny beach and all that Charlie is thinking about is Luna and her alt. The arguments when they had first met and spoke, the trippy and unsettling corridors they got to be split from one another and not have to speak through a mirror, all up to when she had to tell Luna everything not so long ago from now. Everything that has happened comes to mind and Charlie smiles through it all before it all stops. When Charlie opens her eyes, she's back in the dark and gloomy desert where they had been frozen and she had been dragged away from.

Sam is looking quickly between all of the statues on the walls, going from one and then to another. All of a sudden, the ground shakes beneath her, throwing her off and causing her to stumble as she searches. After fixing her footing, she spots the statue she needed. Sam picks it up and inspects it to make sure it's her. Sam then smashes it on the ground. A white light forms and Taweret appears and the light disappears. "You did it! Thank you Sam!" Taweret smiles happily. "It's okay, Khonshu says you can save Luna and her alts?" Sam smiles slightly.

"Indeed! I have just checked on them" Taweret says excitedly. "Wait, you've spoken to them? You've talked to Luna?" Sam asks desperately with slight confusion. "Not exactly, I was able to talk with Charlie but don't worry, they are on their way back as we speak" Taweret says, hoping that Charlie and the others would make it back. "How did you... I-I'm confused" Sam starts wondering before she states her emotions. "Ammit placed them in an illusion within their mind. Even though I was imprisoned, my spiritual form is still able to carry out certain duties. I was able to go and see them" Taweret explains. Sam nods as she takes in the information.

"Okay, so what now?" Sam asks the god. "We free them and save the day! But we will need some more help" The hippo exclaims with joy and determination. "Do we free some more gods?" Sam wonders. "We don't have time for that, however I would be delighted if you, Sam, would become my avatar!" Taweret responds with delight. "W-what?" Sam asks, taking a mental step back to think about the question. "I already have an outfit in mind, what do you say? Ready to become an avatar too?!" Taweret asks, becoming more and more excited. "Uhm.." Sam hums, still contemplating and pondering her decisions and what may happen when she does make a choice.

"Of course, this will be temporary if that's what you are worried about. What do you say Sam? Would you like to become my avatar? The Scarlet Scarab!?" Taweret reassures her, awaiting an answer from the smart, caring and talented woman.

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